Moving on (N)

19 4 1

I'm scared.
I'm downright scared.
My heart is beating like it's about to jump out of my chest.

One of those canine predators with black fur jumped from the bushes and tried to attack us...but before I could even start to react, before I could even blink, Sirus had already turned around and, like Ede himself, taken to the battlefield.

He did not even bother with picking up his spear, he just went at the thing barehanded and before the predator even realized what happened, Sirus had already grabbed it at the neck and choked it out.
Maybe he also crushed the wind pipe while he was at it.

I...don't think I've ever seen such ferocity in all my life.
Were humans really capable of feats like this?
Such...terrible violence? Deadly efficiency?

What really scared me however is not the fact that he killed that thing as if it was nothing...but the fact that after making sure that it was dead by thrusting his spear into its head, he just went back to Zero's grave, picking off where he was interrupted by the critter.

As if nothing ever happened and completely splattered with blood.

After the first shock has passed, an even worse feeling settles inside my chest. actually
Could it really be that I feel...turned on by the carnage he caused just there?
But...that's impossible. I am a child of Garkla, for crying out loud.
If anything, I should be grossed out! Terrified! At the very least feel sorry for the life lost.

But no...there's nothing of the likes inside of me...just this feeling of hotness.
I...I must be getting sick, that's it.
I am likely coming down with a fever or something.

Yeah, that must be it.
Silly Nym.
Or maybe it's just a mixture of adrenalin and a number of other chemicals running amok in my system from the immediate shock.

If anything, my body is telling me to get on his good side, so he won't turn on me the next time we disagree.
Yeah, that's also body is...wait, is my body telling me to prostrate myself in order to protect myself here?!

"Nym? You ok?" Sirus asks concerned.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just keep on doing what you were..."

I blink a few times, then look at Sirus, who just stares at me with big eyes.
I...actually understood what he said. And from the look on his face, he understood what I said too.
Hastily, I query my translator and let out a big sigh of relief, as it responds with an 'All green'.

At long last the repair procedures seem to take effect.

I softly knock against my head and say, "Seems like we can talk again, huh?"
"...seems...that way. is that even possible? Why all of a sudden?"
"I..." I start, looking for words he could understand, for words I could understand, but eventually shake my head and reply with a smile on my face, "Know what? It doesn't matter. But I still want to learn that language of know, just in case."

Sirus laughs, "Fine by me."

And, just like that, the strange feeling or hotness disappears, along with the tension, that had been hanging between us.

I look up to the skies and send a silent prayer of thanks to Garkla for allowing me to recover this quickly after all.

Maybe this strange feeling was the repair procedures just finishing up.
I mean it is kinda brain surgery the nanites are doing there.
Small side effects should be expected, right?

After Sirus is done with the burial ceremony, which makes a lot more sense to me, now that I can actually understand what he's saying, we settle back down and start exchanging our stories.

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