Consequences (N)

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My father always told me that we must choose our actions wisely. For sometimes, we may not like the consequences.
Now, that I look at the chaos the action of my father has caused I cannot help but wonder...did he mean for this to happen?
Did he know this would happen?
There is no way he didn't know, is there?

People are running all over the place, uncoordinated and without plan or purpose.
When they see me walking, they rush up to me to batter me with questions. I can't help but take a defensive stance whenever someone approaches me.

What have these traitors done to us? I can't even walk around my block without jumping at shadows!

I take a deep breath and yell at the top of my lungs, "Alright everyone, I know this is a first for all of us, but please calm down! Everyone, gather at the sluice! There I will answer your questions and hand out your tasks!"

The unrest dies down a little as my brethren start moving.

"Jor Lushomagans, thank Garkla!" Thaxlamsho'm exclaims and rushes up to me.
"Not now, Jom Thaxlamsho'm. I...need to coordinate this mess."
"But, Jor Lushomagans..."
"I!" I hiss at him and leave him standing.

I walk toward the front, careful to keep my distance to the others until I stand in front of the crowd of maybe three dozen people.
Were we always this few?
This room suddenly seems so large and empty without the vermin being everywhere.

I walk up to the sluice, turn around to face my people and take a deep breath, while Thaxlamsho'm stands next to me.

"Alright...I am sure, that you all must have a lot of questions. Unfortunately, I have no answers. The only thing I know is, that we are in grave danger. I do not know, where this danger hails from, nor do I know how long it will take for this crisis to pass. I do know what we must do, however."

The people wait patiently for me to continue, while I sort out my thoughts. I must choose my next words carefully.
If I fail to comfort these people, this block will succumb to chaos. Our food production will come to a halt, famine and chaos will spread to the other blocks. Those traitors would win without having to lift a single finger.

I cannot let this happen.

"We must put our faith into Garkla, the captain and the other good people on the bridge. Just like they navigate us through the hazards of the grand void, they will navigate us through this crisis. Until they have managed to do so, however, we need to do our part. And that is to keep the gardens growing."

Unrest spreads through the small crowd and Thaxlamsho'm walks up and takes the speaker spot

"I know that you are all nervous..."
'Nervous?', I think, 'That's a...very optimistic way to phrase it.'
"However Jor Lushomagans is right. The captain has never failed us throughout all his years and whatever peril threatens us, we, the proud people of Asmodeus, shall overcome it!"

Cheers of approval spread in the small crowd, though they are not quite as loud as I would like them to be.
It's far more than obvious, they are as scared as I am.

After Thaxlamsho'm and myself have divided the tasks that need doing for a flawless food production, the people scatter to get to it.

After they're gone, I exhale deeply and turn to Thaxlamsho'm.
"Thank you, Jor Thaxlamsho'm. I don't think I could have done this without your support."
"It was my pleasure, Jom."
"Why...why didn't they listen to me?"
"You are still young, Jom Lushomagans. And your insecurities reflect too clearly on your face, damaging your credibility in front of the people."
"In due time, you will make a fine leader. Until then, please rely on me as you see fit."

After a small pause, he says, "Regarding what I meant to say earlier, however..."
" important? I need to get to my post."
"It is of utmost importance, I am afraid. I may have come across a lead regarding the current crisis and you are among the very few I can trust."
"You did?! Please tell! I need to inform my father!"
"Not here, Jom. Too many prying ears. Please, follow me."

I nod and follow Thaxlamsho'm to a secluded storage room.

"Alright, this should be private enough," I proclaim and turn to face Thaxlamsho'm, who had allowed me to pass past him.

The realization hits me too late, as Thaxlamsho'm puts his palm on my chest and gives me a forceful push, shoving me into the room.

I stumble, fall and hear the door getting slammed shut behind me before I even just manage to get back on my feet.

I hammer against the door with my fists and shout, "What is the meaning of this, Thaxlamsho'm?! Release me at once!"
"I am afraid, I cannot do that, Jor Lushomagans...and I pray to Garkla that you will one day find it in your heart to forgive me. I promised your late mother to keep you safe...and this is the safest place for you to be in the storm that is to come."

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