Incident (S)

11 3 1

I'm so stupid, honestly.
All I wanted was to leave back to the outside world, but I just had to go to Robert for permission...if I had just knocked out those two guards at the sluice, I'd long since be home free...but now?

I sigh and look around the small room I've been locked up in.
Apparently it was an Asmodean living quarter, just like the room Eva tried to seduce me in, but it's been stripped bare.

I guess I should be glad, that they at least left me the mattress.
But a prison remains a prison, even if I now have more personal space than ever before...

I lie down on the mattress and look up to the ceiling, muttering, "Nothing to do but wait...and hope that Rob comes to his senses.


What time is it...?
Or day, for that matter?

Aw crud, I totally lost the track of day? Three?
I...just don't know any more.
And still no word from Robert...or anyone else.

If not for a set of three guards bringing me something to eat and drink occasionally, I'd be tempted to believe that they forgot about me in here.

I stretch myself causing a small cramp to flare up in my leg, making me jump to my feet and put some weight on the cramping leg.

After the cramp subsided, I mutter, "Never had that happen on the other side of these walls...must be the food, honestly."

After an endless time of silence, I hear a set of steps approaching from the other side.

But something is different this sounds like it's at least 5 pairs of feet this time, instead of the usual 3.

I stretch myself again, rise from my sitting position and lean myself on the wall opposite of the door, to not accidentally give a threatening impression when...if the door should open.

I hear mumbling from beyond the door as the steps stop, but can't quite make out what they are saying.
Though given where they are, it's not hard to guess what they are talking

Finally, the door opens and four guards file in, two training their weapons on me and another two forming a meat shield before the fifth person.

"...Eva? I'm not hallucinating, right?" I ask, completely dumbfounded.
"If you were, I wouldn't know, since I'd merely be a figment of your imagination, right?"
"...can't argue with that. I...didn't think I'd ever see you again."
"Yeah, if it was solely for our 'esteemed' Master Nemo, you wouldn't have...good thing for you, that the rumor mill never stops, try as he might."
"'re not going to let me out, are you?"
"...afraid I can't. Assault is a serious offense to begin with, assault on a member of the're lucky that you're still breathing, honestly. Seriously, what got into you?!"
"Yeah well, to be fair, he started it."
"Ah yeah? And because he started it, he's now missing two teeth, has a broken nose and multiple bruises that look like he was beaten with a club!"
"...he started it...and I ended it. I didn't intend to hurt him that bad, I just..."
"Just? Just what? Sirus, talk to me. What did you even want from him?"

I let out a deep sigh and plop myself to the ground, which causes the guards to twitch nervously, but still keeping their positions.

"...I wanted to go home, Eva."
"...but...but you are home, Sirus."
"No...", I reply, shaking my head slowly, ", I'm not. My home is out there. In the forests of Tisis. you've built within these walls...I don't belong here. This is your world, not mine."
"B-...don't be ridiculous! There's monsters out there! Every day is a struggle to stay alive! You said so yourself!"

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