Something old and something new (S)

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While Julia is washing my back, which I swear she enjoys just a little bit too much, she asks, "So...what are you going to do about Nym?"
"What do you mean?"
"She loves you, you know that, don't you?"

I let out a long sigh and reply, "Yeah, it's become somewhat obvious."
"And you like her a lot too, don't you?"
"I guess..."
" why do you torture her like that?"

I drawn in a sharp breath, as a strike of pain runs through my body from the touch of the piece of cloth on my injury.

Julia withdraws her hand immediately and apologizes, but I just shake my head and reply, "No, it's alright...the wound needs cleaning more than the rest of my body. careful, alright?"

She continues, slowly, gently and carefully...doesn't change the fact that pangs of pain rush through my bodies like strikes of lightning through the sky though, but this is the price I need to pay for messing up.

After she's done cleaning my wound from the front and from the behind, she wrenches the piece of cloth and repeats her question.

"...I guess...actually, I don't know any more. Initially I just didn't to change, you know? I...kinda pictured her like my little sister whom I needed to protect and take care of. And you don't bang your little sister."
"No, I guess you don't do that...but the fact of the matter is, that she isn't your sister. And she's hurting...I fear she might actually do something foolish, one of these days."

"...can't say the thought didn't cross my mind..."
"...say, do you know, why some Asmodean lords kept themselves humans as companions?"
"So they could have sex without having to worry about consequences or protection?"
"No, that's wrong...alright, I'm done, you can put your shirt back on. Need me to wash your lower region too?"
"Nah, I'm good. Wouldn't want this whole situation to get any more weird. So why is that wrong?"
"I mean sure, some did it for that reason, but those got themselves 'human dolls' know, those whose personality and ability to think got suppressed by their implants. Always ready, never complaining, always obeying...perfect slaves. But I asked about people like me...actual companions."

"...okay, I've got nothing. Though I guess not just 'for the sex'."
"No, that's always been a secondary reason. Asmodei who got themselves a companion needed someone they themselves around. Someone who wouldn't judge them. The Asmodei had it pretty harsh too, you know? Always needing to live up to the expectations of their peers...I've heard a few stories from the other survivors and how much they hated the Asmodei for keeping them prisoner...but personally, I think, that the Asmodei were prisoners themselves. At least my master...when he was alone with me, he seemed to be an entirely different person than when we were in the presence of others. He was much more...cheerful and alive."

"...heh...I guess they also had their problems, huh?"
"They certainly did...but I can't talk about any of that with anyone who was not from Block A like I was...they wouldn't understand it."
"No, that's wrong. They would understand...if only they cared to listen. But for them, the Asmodei are the embodiment of all that is evil...and why bother trying to understand something or someone, if 'hating them' is so much easier?"

Julia gives me a surprised look and says, "A bit of a philosopher, aren't you?"
"...bite me."
"Sure, how would you'd like it?" she retorts with a playful laugh and stretches herself, revealing more of her physique than I care to see at the moment.

And I specifically asked her to not make this whole thing more awkward than it already is...

"Kidding of course," she says after finishing her stretch, sticking out her tongue at me.

Kidding...sure...whatever you say...

"...though it is a bit strange..." I mutter, trying to steer the topic away from the obvious tension in the room.
"What is?"
"Well...the Asmodean women are flat, right? Flat and short like Nym...right?"
"Well, there were quite a few tall Asmodei, but if you're referring to these here, no, they don't have them," Julia responds, emphasizing her point but lifting her breasts a little.

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