Death from above (S)

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I trail after Nym towards our quarters, after she told me that 'the silo can wait'.

That's not like her...usually she's constantly on my case about me doing something because this thing she calls 'winter' is approaching.

I stopped arguing with her about the's pointless anyway, and thus far her knowledge has helped us survive, so I'm through with questioning her.

Still, I cannot help but wonder, what might be that important that it cannot wait until I'm done with my current job.

And why does she look so nervous?

Numerous possibilities run through my head, but none of them make even just a lick of sense.

Wait a second...what, if she is pregnant and didn't know up to now?!
What if she's about to give birth?!

But...we've been all alone here for quite a while...and we haven't done anything of the sort, meaning that she would've had to get herself knocked up back on the ship...hmm...might be possible, actually.
I mean, it's not like I know a whole lot about how Asmodean children come to be. For all I know, they could just burst out of the chest of their parents.

While I'm still contemplating the issue, Nym asks me to sit down and suddenly says, "Sirus, as I stated before, we need to talk. I couldn't help but notice, that you've been looking at me."

I break free from my thought wreck, look at Nym, probably with question marks in my eyes.

"Well...yeah, of course I did. Is...there something wrong with me looking at you? Do your people not like being looked at? Want me to look away?"
"...sometimes I really don't know if you're plain dumb or a genius, Sirus," she mutters, but I decide to let it go.
All things considered, it was a stupid thought.

I mean, if she didn't like 'to be looked at', she would've told me months ago.

Suddenly however, what she actually meant registers with me and I blush slightly as all the thoughts and silly fantasies that come to haunt me in my dreams in starlit nights return to me.

Have I really been looking at her that way?
Crud, she must think I'm a leech.

"Sirus, before your thoughts go on yet another tangent, and yes, I can tell, because your face goes blank when you do that, I want you to know that it is okay. I understand. You are a virile male, who didn't have any...female company for an extended period of time now. And I admire your self-restraint in this matter. It most commendable, that you never sought to lay your hands on me thus far, despite me being the only humanoid female on this planet."

"...okay, could you start with that word 'virile' again, I think you lost me there."
"'re a boy and your body tells you to have sex now that food and shelter are secured and I'm telling you that it's okay and you don't need to feel bad about it."

I scratch the back of my head, at a loss regarding what to say.

I close my eyes, force my whirling thoughts to stop and raise my finger to ask Nym to wait while I sort myself out.
Those meditation techniques she's been teaching me have been a really big help in situations like this.

I take a few deep breaths, open my eyes again and look directly in Nym's deep brown eyes, who are watching me attentively.
Yet still, is that a glimpse of worry I see in her expression?
What is she expecting from me right now?
What is the right thing to do here?
Is there even such 'a right thing'?

I shake my head and reply, "I guess you are right. And I apologize...I figured those trips to 'my' corner would be enough, but..."
Nym raises her hand to shut me up and quickly says, "There is no need to justify yourself or to apologize. Your instincts are a big part of who you are and they have served us well time and again. And if there is one thing I have learned while landing here, it is, that trying to fight nature is a futile endeavor in the long run. You can only live with it. As such..."

Nym takes a deep breath, when an ear shattering roar tears the silence apart.
Nym's, Sera's and my head all shoot in the same direction, as a grand shadow easily three times as tall as I am appears over our heads.

And it looks like the thing is about to land!

"I think now would be a very good time to unblock that cave entrance!" I shout, as the thing comes closer and closer.
Sera has already run away and while I jet over to the 'holding rock', which keeps the pile of stones in place, Nym still stares at the approaching silhouette.

I pull away the stone with all my might, but the wall of rocks doesn't come down like it is supposed to.

Just as I realize that, the creature lands with an audible 'thud' on the meadow, bringing with it a strong gust of wind from its huge wings.

I turn around and find myself unable to move any more at the sight of this new opponent.

It looks a lot like what Nym classified as 'lizard', with thick scales covering its body, a long tail, which looks like it could smack me into next week without a problem, thick and long legs, which are about as high as I am...and then there are those wings on its back, large and terrifying.

Ah yeah, did I already mention the maw? That thing clearly has teeth the size of my bloody arm. And it doesn't look like it uses them to chomp on fruit!

It rears its head and it's large, amber colored eyes, located on each side of it's snout, fixate on Nym, who just keeps staring at it.

Okay, think Sirus...think quick, act quicker.
Flight would be the best option, but the escape route is cut off.
But how can we even fight something like that?!
My spear would probably just break at those scales!

But if we don't do something quickly, we'll be an afternoon snack for that thing!

I lowers its head to the height of Nym and starts sniffing.
I fear that it just might suck her up, that's how strong the wind is it causes.

I rally to her side and hold her tight to prevent that from happening.

Only then I realize that tears are running down her cheeks.
She's preparing herself to die, right here and now.

I stare up at the humongous beast and then I remember something.
It's a long shot, but I'm not going to die here without putting up a fight, Nym's speech about 'fighting nature being futile' be damned.
We've been fighting death since we landed here, I won't stop now!

I won't die a bloody virgin!

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