The long journey (N)

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Travel log day 1

My name is Nympromedonalas Voxamy Lushomagans and, just like my ancestors before me, I have set out to venture into the grand unknown in the hopes of finding what a cruel fate has taken from us.

I have decided to keep this travel log to record my impressions and findings, in the hopes that they will one day serve someone to find their own way across the grand ocean...and maybe find a new home on an unknown shore.

I am traveling with three comrades, strong, reliable and trustworthy.

They have proven to be intelligent, loyal and which they are a crass contrast to the remaining wildlife we have encountered thus far.

They might well be capable of building a society akin to the Asmodean or human culture, if given enough time and maybe a little helpful input from a higher species.

I would be lying if I would claim that I am not fact, I'm downright scared.
But this is something I have to give the people important to me give myself closure.

I need to find out what happened to the colony...or die trying.


Travel log day 3

This is the third small island we've stopped at.
The dogs are performing admirably thus far, only taking the most necessary of breaks.
However my initial estimation about the quality of the islands appears to be justified...they are little more than small piles of sand, peeking out of the ocean.

Thus far, we have neither encountered other land-borne wildlife or, which is even more concerning, not a single source of sweet water.

I've done the a little math...if this keeps up, we will pass the point of no return by the end of the week.


Travel log day 7

At long last we have come across a larger island with some actual vegetation and, most importantly, a fresh water source, which we of course made extensive use of.

I have sent a prayer to Garkla, thanking him for this fortunate find, but the primary issue remains...even though we can now refill our water supply, our food supply will run out before long.

As such, I have decided to stay here for a little while to let the dogs rest and recover.
Thus far, they have done all the work.
Now it's my time to do mine.

The gun I brought will likely be utterly useless beneath the water surface, so I will need to come up with a different solution on how to get the creatures of the sea out of the water and into the stomach of my furred friends.

I must take good care of them, for if they die or mutiny, the mission is a failure...and I will never see Sirus again.


Travel log day 10

I really wish I could understand what the dogs are saying like Sirus and Julia do.
There has to be some sort of secret that connects the two of them but leaves me out for some reason...chances are, that it is something genetic, seeing how they are both human.

But is that really all there is to it?
Or is there yet another factor I am not aware of?
I really wish I could perform a scientific examination of this phenomenon, but I have neither the means nor the skills to do that.

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