Mom (N)

18 4 1

I watch Sirus putting away the piece of coal we found in a corner of the cave system that leads to our plateau.

Another journal entry...he's been writing a whole lot of them as of late.

Not like there's all that much else to's too cold for him to do gardening, his injured leg prevents him from going hunting and it's too dangerous to go strolling.

Whenever he writes those journals, he looks so sad...he probably feels worthless and like a burden.

"I can see you there, Nym," he suddenly says, looking over to where I am hiding in the shadow of a crevice.

I sigh, walk up the slope and ask while sitting down with my prey, "Want to talk about it?"
"...about what precisely?"
"How you are feeling. C'mon, it's obvious that something is eating at you."
"...not really. I'm fine..." matter the species, guys will be guys...

I stretch out my legs a little, only to get reminded how cold the air is and quickly pull them back under the fur blanket of my coat.

"Fine, if you don't want to talk, I'll talk a little...did you know that I felt completely lost and useless when we first arrived here? I mean, all the technology I've been so used to using was gone in an instant. 'Poof' and it was all gone. All I knew was suddenly completely useless."
"Yeah...sorry about that..." Sirus sulks, looking at his own covered feet.
"Don't's not like you betrayed my people and unleashed the fury of a 50,000 people in a grab for power. You were just a tool...I see that now."
"Gee, thanks a lot. You sure know how to cheer someone up!" he snaps at me and slowly rises to his feet, wincing with every step.

I continue to look down at my feet and say, "But I'm really no better than those who used you for their schemes. For the longest time, I thought the same...that you were mere tools. To be used and discarded if they broke. That humans were actual people with feelings, dreams and hopes, just like the Asmodei never even crossed my if anything, I should be the one apologizing."

Sirus scoffs, "Lotta good that does want to know what's on my mind?! My leg is wrecked and you've learned to survive on your own. You don't need me any more!"
"...that is simply not true. I need you just as much as you need me to get by."
"Ah really?! For what?! For laughs? I'm crippled! Totally useless! I can barely move and all I ever knew was how to work a garden!"

"And yet still you saved me. You overcame your hatred for my entire kind and saved my life after we crashed."
"Yeah, that was then, now is now."
"I'm not done yet, Sirus. Ever since then you've proven to be an invaluable friend and ally on this dangerous world. You slaughtered countless critters, whose meat kept us fed and whose bones became our tools. You collected and cultivated many plants which served to keep me personally well and happy. You've built most of the appliances here. And what did I do? I only told you what to do. And despite all your grudges, you still listened. You are the sole reason why I am still alive today. And this is a debt I cannot repay easily. So you fell on some hard times, but did your brethren just abandon you when you got sick? I think not."
"Well, no, but..."
"No buts. Look Sirus, I still need you. Both as a worker...and as a friend. Because, like it or not, taking care of you right now is the one thing that's keeping me sane and alive."
"How...that doesn't make any sense, you know."

I look up to the sky, where the tiny snowflakes are coming down and say, "No, maybe it doesn't...but I need a purpose in my life. I need to feel 'needed'. Cause if I didn't have that...what should I strife for? Live for? Why should I get up in the morning? Just to be miserable for yet another day? Look Sirus, you may not see it..."

I get up and put my hand on Sirus' shoulder and look him straight into the eyes, "You have become my purpose in life, Sirus. It fills me with joy to watch you be happy. When you played with Zero, back when he was still with us, you looked so alive, it rubbed off on me. You instilled my heart with a simple happiness I had thought lost when my old life went up in flames."

Suddenly Sirus laughs, "Y'know, that speech could've come from my mom."
I push a strand of hair from my face and smile at him.

His mom, huh?
One who protects their children with all their might, guides them and revels in their happiness...I guess it's a fit, albeit a strange one.

I climb up on a nearby rock and tousle through Sirus' hair.
"Alright then Sirus, no more moping! First we'll get you fixed up and by the time spring comes, you'll be showing those critters who's boss!"

"Heh...sure thing, 'Mom'. Oh still interested in learning my language?"
"Yes of course. It would be really helpful to be able to leave you written know, for when I can't be around to tell you."

Sirus nods, we go back to the journal he had just finished and he begins by teaching me his alphabet.

Of course I already know a thing or two about his language and I could probably figure out the rest from the samples I have, but this is something he needs.

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