Reunion (S)

15 5 1

They take me to the observation post above the garden area.

I often looked up to here, but I cannot recall ever been here.
Why would I anyway, really?
The only time someone was invited into the observation post was, because they've done some serious ass-kissing like for example saving some purple hide after an accident...or after they've gone and fucked up causing a fatal 'accident' involving an Asmodean or maybe two. In either case however, the one being 'invited' usually didn't come return to the block.

I can imagine what happened to those who fucked up...though I'm not entirely sure I actually want to know, what happened to that other group.

But what brings me up here today?
Did dream me fuck up this bad?

But then again, he wouldn't have volunteered to be brought here, if he did.
And as for the other reason...yeah well, no. Not 'back on the ship' me.
That guy would rather have delivered the fatal kick into the unfortunate purple face instead of grabbing their hand while the rest slowly disappears into the grinder.

My memory flashes back to how I helped the Asmodean woman and her child back when shit got real.

Back then, I didn't care about the color of their skin.
They were in trouble and I was the only one around to help them.

I sigh internally.

You're such a wuss, Sirus...and always have been.

Anyway...I'd better pay some attention to what dream me and dream Nym are talking about.
She looks...uneasy.

After listening to the conversation for a little while, I largely dismiss it as small talk.
Strangely enough, Nym seems...disappointed though.

"Mr...Loctor. Did you ever hear the word 'Tisis' before?"

Wait, what?!

At this point, she doesn't just look 'uneasy' any more, she looks downright defeated. Almost depressed.

"Nym?" I call out to her and much to my surprise, my voice actually rings out.
"Are you alright? You look a little pale."

Nym suddenly shoots me a surprised glare then looks at my hand and asks about the scar I've got there.

And just at that moment, I feel an overwhelming force pulling me out of my own body and throwing me into the grand blackness, from which I wake up only moments later.

I'm still on Tisis.
The campfire is slowly inching towards the end of its life and I quickly throw another piece of cut wood into it to stop it from going out.

I look around and mutter, "Great, another freak dream..." when a major headache splits my head and sends me tumbling.

A myriad of images invades my mind, showing plants and areas I've never seen before.

A lush and bountiful forest of unprecedented density.
The plants look almost nothing like the ones I know.

The surroundings whizz past me with staggering speed until it suddenly stops in front of something that looks a lot like the sluice I walked through a million times back on the ship.

Only that the contraption sits in some sort of hill.

And then, just as suddenly as it came, it disappears again, leaving me behind with an overwhelming feeling of nausea.

I stumble over to the nearest bushes, just about ready to let my dinner go through my head once more, but then the feeling of nausea also disappears.

Sadly enough and even though I genuinely try to hold on to them, so do the images I had just seen.
By the minute they are all gone.
Just like all dreams.

...was it really just a dream?
An afterthought?
It feels like it was important...

Damn...I need to remember...Nym will never let me hear the end of it, that I for one was dreaming of her and can remember that, but cannot remember the bloody vision that came along with it!

I sit back at Zero's side and stare into the flames, as if the flickering lights would give me any answers.

But the answers don't come.

Suddenly, a few hours down the road, a rustling in the bushes turns my head.
I grab the repaired spear, light the torch I prepared for this case and wait.

From the sound of it, it's a large animal.
One that doesn't care much for stealth, judging by the snapping twigs and cracking branches.

I keep waiting, monitoring the bushes closely, preparing for an assault from behind as well.
That animal up ahead is acting so clumsy, it might well enough be a decoy, meant to distract me from another predator sneaking up on me from behind.

However all of those thoughts are gone, when the large animal finally breaks through the bushes.

It looks like a creature straight from one of those horror stories my people told each other to entertain ourselves during the longer nights.

It is a blackish, slender figure with long, jet black hair, which hangs over what I can only assume is its head, almost reaching to the ground.

It is hunched over, swaying dangerously and it actually takes me three seconds to realize, that it is not a monster standing before me.

As she finally keels over, I drop my spear and yell, "Oh shit, Nym!"

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