The verdict (S)

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The minutes feel like hours.

I scan the crowd, trying to figure out who might have won, but it's impossible to make a real guess.

Was my father this nervous during his trial?
Was it also this close?
I close my eyes, trying to remember that day, but the memory is foggy at best.

My mind is a complete mess.

Where is my mom? Eva? My friends?
I could use some reassurance right now, but the rules state, that nobody may move during the count.
Nobody will come to my aid.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes again.
It will just be a few minutes, just the few minutes it takes to count to a thousand people.

Eventually, I notice the two counters move up to the elder, each presenting their numbers to him.
The Elder nods and walks up to the speaker platform. The verdict is in.

"Dear people of block D...the result is in. The collective has chosen!"
Unrest spreads through the ranks, as he raises both hands above his head.

I remember this scene. Next, he will point to the direction of the winner and I find myself holding my breath.
I close my eyes again, steeling myself for my likely defeat.
I really don't want to see that hand fall.

Then a wave of cheer echoes through the room and within seconds I've got people swarming me, patting me on the back, telling me what a good job I did and it really takes me a second to realize what's going on.

I look over to the Elder and his arms.
He is pointing my way.
He really is pointing my way.

My eyes dart over to Robert, who also is surrounded by people, though they are far less cheerful than the people around me.
I would have expected for him to be gloomy or angry, but somehow he seems...content? That makes no sense, but his expression isn't the expression of a man who has just lost everything.
I excuse myself from the crowd and walk over to him.

" okay, Robert?"
He interrupts his chat with a worried woman and turns to face me.
"Hey, Sirus...good job up there. Didn't think you had it in you, honestly...though I guess I had it coming, huh? How silly of me, to give you such a great forward pass...oh and I'm D-532. Not Robert...sheesh, that's going to take some getting used to."

I shake my head and ask, "May I have a word with you? In private?"

Robert raises an eyebrow and replies, "Who would I be to deny the man of the hour? Though you really should tell the people what they're supposed to do now, otherwise you won't get a private moment until then. Tell them to prepare...and maybe to pray. God knows we are going to need all the help we can get."

I nod, walk up to the speaker platform and ask for a moment of silence, which, surprisingly enough, I actually get.

"Dear people of Block D...first of all, thank you for your support. However, there is no time to waste. The time to rise is close at hand and we must prepare the best we can! For tonight, we will fight for our freedom!"

Another wave of cheers goes through the crowd and they scurry away in all directions.

The instant I step away from the speaker platform, another young man who likely wouldn't have given me the time of day just an hour ago steps up and shouts, "You heard the man! Gather anything that can be used as a weapon! Make armor from anything you can find! Dismantle the beds! Tear apart the toilets! Tonight, they're finally going to get it!"

I return to Robert who chuckles at the man giving out directions.
"Looks like you've got yourself a lieutenant already, huh? Nice."
" know what, it doesn't matter. A word, please?"

Robert nods and we walk away from the crowd, into a quiet corner.

"Now...what did you want to talk about?"
"Why...why did you let me win? You...just threw your entire life away! That was no mistake and we both know it!"
Robert rolls his eyes and replies, "I really don't know, what you are talking about."
"Damn straight you do! You knew that I had to appeal to the angry in them in order to win and when I screwed up, you helped me! I want to know why!"

Robert shakes his head, looks up toward the ceiling and finally answers, "I guess in the end I did that...y'know, this reminds me of that one story my dad told me a while back. A merchant gets visited by the reaper, who tells him that he will come to fetch him the next night. The merchant was overcome with fear, packed everything he owned and ran away. He ran the fastest he could and by the time night fell, he was already far away from home. Rain had set in and the ground was slippery. But then man still kept running."
"Let me guess: He slipped?"
"Exactly. He slipped and fell into a chasm, his bones broken and no help anywhere to be seen. A few hours later, he heard someone coming and he called for help, but his blood froze when he saw who it was the reaper, who leaned down and asked, 'How nice of you to meet me here on time.'"
"...and the point of the story?"
"Interestingly enough I asked my father the same thing...and he told me, that more than often by trying to escape our fate, we actually end up sealing it. I tried to silence you and instead I've given you the perfect platform to spread your message."

Robert looks behind me and says, "It seems there are more people who would like to have a word with the man of the if you'll excuse me, I must prepare myself."
"D-532. Please obey the law..."
I shake my head energetically and shout, "This is nonsense!"
"No...that I tried to stop what was inevitable was nonsense. I see my error now...and I have you to thank for it. Farewell."

And with that, Robert turns around and walks away, while a number of girls walk up to me, each suddenly being very interested in me.
But I don't have time for this right now.
After all, there are preparations to be done.

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