Duke Oslo rushing inside with his sword in hand—ready to behead a noble from the wicked Avri bloodline—only to be greeted by the heinous scene of the 'supposedly' alive princess.
A petite body laying on the ground, shackled, and covered in blood and injuries. Her light blue dress ripped and torn at the skirt, covered with stains of dried blood. The white gloves dyed with the shade of blood from her wrists—torn and shredded from the cuffs—and her long vibrant gold blonde hair in disarray.
Her small frail body shifts slightly, the princess slowly opening her golden coloured eyes.

The gruesome scene causing Duke Oslo to drop his sword. The orders given to him, vanished instantly as he rushed up to her. Kneeling beside her, the duke places his ungloved hand on her neck.
Her eyes close, losing consciousness after looking his way.

"Bring his highness here, now!" Duke Oslo shouts at a frozen knight.
The knight runs, rushing upstairs to Emperor Cabel.

"Your highness." The trembling knight falls to his knees, bowing quickly, "Duke Oslo has requested for your presence in the basement, as soon as possible." The knight speaks, horrifiedly pale.
Emperor Cabel simply looks back at the knight who seems to have seen a ghost, until his eyes dart back to King Weslium who sobs over his wife's body.
"Bring this bastard down." He commands, leaving for the basement.
The knights pick up King Weslium, dragging him downstairs.

King Weslium thrown to the floor of the basement bedroom, he looks at the red furniture.
Emerging from dark cell, Duke Oslo stops Emperor Cabel from entering. The emperor simply watches as the duke signals for a moment alone in the hallway.
The silent hallway, the emperor regally tilts his head, gesturing for Duke Oslo to speak.

"Your highness, the princess is here..." Duke Oslo speaks flustered, keeping his voice low.
"And? Have you not finished the job?" Emperor Cabel scoffs, beginning to turn back to the room.
"I cannot bring myself to harm her." Duke Oslo quickly kneels down, bowing his head.
"What nonsense are you spitting out now?" Emperor Cabel glares back at Duke Oslo's bowed head.
"Emperor Cabel, forgive me, but I refuse to be the one to take her life. The knights who witnessed the scene agree as well, please forgive us for our inability to complete your command."

Emperor Cabel glares at Duke Oslo, taken aback by the sight of the duke who seems to cower the same as the knight from before. Without another sound, the emperor turns to storm into the room. Stepping through the metal door frame, he's stopped in his tracks.
The state of the princess ahead of him, he realizes their contempt to his demand.

Taking a step closer, his eyes scan her body as he analyzes her state. A few feet away from her, he clutches his sword tightly until pointing the blade at her neck.
He calls out.
"Duke Oslo."
"Yes, your highness?" Duke Oslo enters the room.
"Is she alive?" Emperor Cabel looks down at her, his sword inching closer to her skin.
"Yes, your highness. She has a faint heartbeat and opened her eyes, but it seems she's too weak to stay conscious."
Emperor Cabel pauses, gritting his teeth.
His thoughts occupying his mind, his brow furrows as he looks closely at her injuries.

Clicking his tongue from frustration, he leaves the cell to approach King Weslium.
"You've kept your promise, and I shall keep mine. Your daughter was where you said she was, so your past crimes will be forgiven. Untie him." The emperor speaks.
A knight swiftly cuts the ropes binding King Weslium's hands.
His knees trembling with the look of relief in his eyes, he stands and bows.

"I'm grateful, your highness- Agh!" King Weslium screams out, grabbing his shoulder.
Blood splatters onto the floor, wall, and ceiling as Emperor Cabel ruthlessly slices his arm off.
"Y-You said I was forgiven!" King Weslium screams out in agony.
"I recall saying for your past crimes. I never recall saying you'd be forgiven for any crimes after that."
Taking a step closer to King Weslium, the emperor's eyes glow menacingly with the shadows of the room, emphasizing his facial structure.
"You've tortured your own daughter, sacrificed her to be killed, when you've practically killed her yourself." Emperor Cabel clicks his tongue, striking down as he slices into King Weslium's knees.
He falls to the ground screaming.
"You bastard! You made a deal! You think you can treat me like this? I'm the king!-" King Weslium screams in rage, quickly cut off as Emperor Cabel slices his throat.
King Weslium falls to the ground grabbing his throat.
Emperor Cabel watches him suffer, the sounds of his coughing and gasping filling the room, as the emperor holds a cold unfazed look in his eyes.
King Weslium's blood splattered onto his cheek and clothes, the emperor merely watches the life drain from him.

"Your highness, what should we do with the princess?" Duke Oslo asks, approaching once the king has died.
Emperor Cabel pauses, mesmerized by the blood dripping off of his sword.
"What a shame... I wished to kill more of them today." Emperor Cabel's mouth curls upwards as he handsomely grins, the blood dripping onto his shoe.

His eyes coldly stare at the blood trickle down, his brows furrowing again at the thoughts that return to him.
He clicks his tongue.
"Unshackle her, she'll stay in the golden palace. Call for the royal doctor and tell Lance, he'll serve her until my return. In a week, meet me in the north." Emperor Cabel briskly exits the room, knights following behind him.

Upon his leave, Duke Oslo rushes to quickly unlock the cuffs.
His expression twisted with sympathy, from the up close sight of the wounds and gashes on her body. Turning his eyes away from the injuries, he focuses to pick her up. His eyes move to focus on her dress, ripped apart at the skirt—exposing her slender bruised legs.
Thinking for a moment as he stares at the sight of her gown, he turns back to one of the men.
"Bring me the bed sheets." Duke Oslo commands.
A knight hands him a blanket.
Duke Oslo gently covers the princess in the sheet, carrying her out of the castle.

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