17 | Dritan Cadmus Vueci

Start from the beginning

"I am afraid Sir that you can't have it as this, Miss, ordered it first and we only have one left of it. But the stocks are arriving within this week so you can give me your contact and I'll let you know when you can buy it." The salesman explained cautiously.

"WHAT!? NO! I WANT THAT! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM!?" My step-brother shouted at the salesman and it seems that he is new to this place as everyone knew who my step-brother is. I mean he boasts around with his name so..

"Well, what does your identity have to do with you not being able to get the item because you said it LATE?" I asked him with sarcasm while emphasizing the last word. He seems to be taken a back when I questioned him. Probably surprised that I have the guts to do it.

"Well, I am Henry Owen Mertiz, the currently heir of Mertiz Company which means I get what I want." He said with a mocking tone. 

Mertiz Company is our company, it was supposed to be Zein Company since my mother was the one who built it but it was change to the present name when it was handled by my father.

My father was once a loving and caring father to my and my mother but he changed when he had a secret affair to his currently wife, my step-mother. He left and ignored us then focused on the them instead. That is also one of the reason why my and my mother were looked down.

Henry Owen Mertiz son of my father to his currently wife which made him my step-brother and just as he said, he is currently the heir even though he is not the legal child. It is because I am not introduced as one of the Mertiz.

I was glad for that though. I am proud to be a Zein and I don't even want to meddle in their family affair which solely run for business or money purposes.

"Keyword, currently. So please be careful, you never know what happens in the future my dear step-brother." I answered to him returning the mocking voice he used a while ago before turning to face the salesman and said, "Don't need the demo, I will pay for it now."

A sudden pull from behind surprised me. I saw my step-brother glaring at me with his right hand, holding my right arm with force making me feel pain but I did not showed that to him instead, I look at him with my head held high.

"You! You dare talk to me now and embarrassed me in public! You need a lesson!" He shouted as loud as he can gaining the attention of all the passerby. Great. Now we sure are going to trend in search engines after this as I saw some of them holding their phones out.

I just stared at him with my poker face and did not talked back to him but I think that just made him more irritated. I saw his other hand raising up, ready to hit me.

I closed my eyes and wait for the pain to arrive since he is holding me on my arm, I can't defend myself so I just accepted what is about to come. But, it did not come and instead a deep voice was heard.

"Let go", it was said in a cold voice giving me goosebumps all over my body. I opened my eyes and saw our captain, Lux, standing behind my step-brother, Henry.

Henry then let go of my arm so Lux walked in front of me. When we are face to face, he stared at me for a while like he is examining me or something before facing Henry which blocked my sight.

Since Lux is a giant man, it is not my petite height that I can't see what is happening in front, it is because he is a giant, a tall one.

"And who are you? Did that girl gave you money to be his boyfriend?" I heard Henry talked and I mentally rolled my eyes by his baseless accusation.

"Dritan Cadmus Vueci", the person blocking my sight said and again, using his cold voice. So, that is his name? Well, He did not introduce himself with his name so..

"Don't have any company? Well anyway, Mr. Dritan, I am Henry Owen Mertiz, the currently heir of Mertiz Company so please don't meddle with my business." Henry answered back showing a little bit of irritation in his voice.

What Cadmus said surprised me as I expected him to not answered.

"I don't need a company to back me up,

My name is enough."

───── ❝ 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐁𝐲𝐊𝐫𝐱𝐬 ❞ ─────

TMI but I am so freaking lazy today, if not for the extra draft I do every day, you would not have a chapter to read today.

I am trying to stick with my principle (lol) to update every day and I hope I would be able to finish this story in that method.

𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝙑𝙤𝙩𝙚, 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚!

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