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"I ran away from home" I said and looked at Tobi. He looked confused.

"why... Why would you do that?" he asked as he took my hands in his.

I struggled to find the right words to say but I couldn't, I felt a heavy bag of water beneath my eyelids threatening to fall any moment.

"Ochanya, you don't need to tell_" he tried to say but me knowing he has to know about my past didn't give him a chance to convince me.

"I was raped, I was raped by the most useless man in my village, he raped me mercilessly and deprived me of my virginity, after I reported him he framed me for my misfortune, he tagged me a jealous girlfriend that's trying to jail him because I thought he was seeing someone else, and according to his story I've always been having sex with him because we were dating..." I paused to catch my breath as tears fell uncontrollably from my eyes.

I continued. "My father hated me even though I was his favorite, he believed him and despised me for it, after few weeks I got sick and I was throwing up everywhere, they assumed I was pregnant, it's a different thing to be pregnant out of wedlock for a responsible man, but the thought of being pregnant for Okwo, the most useless and irresponsible man in the village is unacceptable for me. My father threw my things out and told me how much I disgusted him so I left, I ran as my leg could carry me, as I ran fast towards the highway to... to take my life" I said.

"Ochanya please stop talking... Please" he pleaded.

"The car I stood in the road for, the running car I was waiting for to take my life was Alia's... She was able to stop the car before it hit me and that was how I met her, she took me in and showered her love on me, she made me get over the trauma I was in, she made me her sister without knowing where I came from... Now she hates me" I said and wiped my tears again.

"I never lied to her, infact I love Alia like a sister but she won't even listen to me..." I trailed off.

"Oh stop it ochanya!" he shot at me. "we are not talking about Alia or the issue you both have" he said calmly. "Look here, I believe you, I know you'll never do such thing to Alia, I don't know why Leonard is playing such a cruel game with the both of you but I assure you, everything will get cleared soon, so stop crying on our first date, it's making me feel terrible, ugh?" he said in a comforting tone which made me feel like a baby. I nodded and smile.

"I'm so sorry about what happened to you in the past, I can't believe that miscreant didn't just rape you, he also tore your family apart, he shouldn't just go scot-free ochanya, he deserves a punishment worse than death" Tobi said but I can sense a hint of anger in his voice.

"I'm sure wherever he is, the universe has already dealt with him" I replied.

"What about your family? You should go back to them" he urged.

"I can't, I can't bear the look on their faces, or the look the people in the village throw at me, it's only going to make me feel like that pathetic girl that got raped by Okwo"

"You can't stay away from them forever, just visit your family even if it's brief, let them know you are doing fine and well"
He said convincingly.

"I'll think about it" I replied with a small smile.

"I don't mind coming with you though, you can introduce me as your husband" he said with a childish grin and I laughed.

"I'll think about it" I replied.

After our very perfect date, he drove me back home. He insisted I let him come into my room but I refused. I'm giving no chances of Claudia and her husband hearing our moans again.

After few days, Claudia lost her cool, she couldn't take the fact that Alia and I are not on talking terms so she decided to tell Alia the truth herself and she has to believe it. I tried to convince her to wait until Leonard comes back cos that's the only person Alia will listen to but Claudia refused.

I followed her reluctantly. I knew it won't end well but Claudia turned deaf ears to my pleas. At the same time, Tobi's call came in so I told him what we were about to do so he offered to join us in convincing Alia I've been accused wrongly.

As we got in, I suddenly felt determined. I'm being accused wrongly and I have been hiding like I'm guilty, what I need is to stand my ground.

"you are right Claudia, let's do this!" I said with determination and we went inside. We saw Alia lying on the couch, her eyes are closed and she's listening to music with her headset so it's hard to tell if her eyes are closed cos she's into what she's listening to or if she eyes her closed cos she's asleep. There are piles of beer can littered on floor. There's also a bottle of Hennessy with a cup beside it. She must have drank a lot cos the Hennessy bottle is almost empty.

Claudia looked at her and sighed, she tapped her and her eyes flung open. She stared at me for a while and faced Claudia with a questioning look. She removed her headset and sat up.

"What is it?" She asked claudia.

"Thank God you're sober, why is everywhere littered" Claudia asked she she started trashing the empty cans in a trash bag she saw near the couch.

"I've not drank today, the cans are from yesterday, I brought the trash bag so I could trash them then I suddenly remember how messy my life is, so I decided to take a nap" Alia replied as she sprawled back on the couch.

"Your life isn't messy" I said and she glared at me.

"You shouldn't be talking to me Ochanya, you're the last person I need comfort from, after all you are the one person that put me in this position I'm in" She said as she went into the kitchen. I was about to reply her when we heard the door bell. I sighed and went forward to open it.

A rush of happiness streamed my whole system as I saw the person standing in front of the door, I couldn't control myself as I burst into tears, tears of joy.

"Who's that Ochanya?" Claudia asked as she rushed towards me. She gasped when she saw the person standing in the door frame.

"Leonard?" Claudia called.

Ochanya {Completed}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon