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"How was your night?" I asked with a smirk. I'm really happy about putting him in his place.

"Tobi, what happened?" Alia asked but he didn't reply, he only stood there, glaring at me icily.

"Ochanya, what did you do again?" Claudia asked.

"Nothing" I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"Wait a sec! Did you lock him in the bathroom all night?" Alia asked.

"No! Why would I do that?" I said as i feigned innocence.

"She did lock him in the bathroom!" Khaddie said

"Yeah, I can see that, it's written all over her face" Alia added and I burst into laughter.

My laughter faded when I realised I'm the only one laughing.

Tobi walked towards me, grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. Everyone came out after me and he banged the door shut.

"It rained in the midnight, the weather was freaky freezing and you locked him in the bathroom?" Khaddie said with a questioning look.

"I... I... I was..  I" I stuttered not knowing what to say.

"That's not fair Ochanya, you should be grateful it's Tobi you did this to, if it was another guy, you would be on your way to the hospital now" Ben said.

"I'm sorry guys, I just wanted to infuriate him a little, I didn't know it will be a big deal, I_" I got cut off when Tobi opened the door, flung my box outside and shut it again. I picked up my box suddenly regretting what I did. I felt really bad that tears formed beneath my eyes.

"I swear, I only wanted to make him angry cos he said I should sleep on the floor, I didn't know rain fell, I'd have unlocked the door, I'm so sorry" I said as my voice shook.

"It's okay, come dress up in my room, I'll talk to Tobi" Alia said and helped me with my box. I entered her suite and I had a quick shower, I dressed up. Wearing a bum short and a yellow sleeveless crop top and a pair of sneakers. I did a little make up, I blended my face and used a nude matte lipstick. I walked out of the suite and went into the reception. I saw them all waiting for me. I saw Tobi sitting quietly with a magazine, they all stood up when they saw me. Alia nudged me to talk to him. I went closer to him.

"Ermmm... Tobi, I'm_" I began to say and he stood up, ignoring me and going out with the rest. I sighed and went out.

The whole day was fine, we went sight seeing, had lunch and toured the city. When it 6pm, we got back to the hotel. All my effort to talk to Tobi during our adventure proved abortive. He abruptly shut me out.

When we got back to the hotel, I asked the receptionist if there's any room and she said they are all booked.

"I don't know what to do anymore, you have to beg Tobi" Alia said.

"You guys go inside, I'll sort out myself, I'm sure Tobi will let me in" I assured them and they all went in reluctantly, I wheeled my box towards the room and knocked but no reply.

"Tobi, please let me in, I have no where to spend the night" I said but no reply.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I went overboard and I'm so sorry, can you please let me in?" I said as I knocked but he still didn't reply.

I dropped my mini bag and sat on the floor beside the door. I ignored the stare of the passerby. After ten minutes, I stood up and knocked again. I can see from outside that the light is off.

"Is he sleeping already?" I thought and I banged the door louder.

"Tobi! Tobi! Open the door, please!" I pleaded.

"Okay, I'll sleep in the bathroom to make it even between us" I said, I was about to knock again when the door flung open, revealing a shirtless Tobi, I gulped as I stared at his chest, drops of water trailed down his torso, his well defined six pack abs glistened. My eyes railed up his bulky arm and_

OCHANYA! What are you doing!

I snapped out of my thought.

I slowly looked up and met with his stare.

"You'll sleep in the bathroom you say?" He said looking at me.

"Errr, well I can't sleep outside, I'm sorry for locking you in the bathroom yester_" I trailed off.

"Come in" he cuts in and paved way for me, I went in and he shut the door.

" thank you" I said and attempted to move towards the bed but he blocked my way and gestured towards the bathroom.

"Sorry?" I said.

"You are sleeping in the bathroom tonight_ to make us even" he said expressionlessly.

I sluggishly entered the bathroom and he stood in the door frame.

"Goodnight!" He said and shut the door, I heard him lock it and I sighed. I sat on the cold tiled floor in defeat. I regretted wearing bum short, now my thighs will have to rest on the cold tiled floor.

I tried to make myself comfortable but I couldn't sleep, I dried the bathtub and gently laid inside but it makes no difference.
Maybe I deserve this, how uncomfortable he must have felt yesterday.

The tub is freezing my blood! I stood up and sat beside the door, holding my knees to my chest.

I'm starting to feel my teeth gnash.

"God! Make the day break else I'll die!" I prayed.

Later, I fell asleep...


I smiled again as I turned and hugged the thing I felt to be a pillow tight.


In the bathroom?

The bathtub is no longer cold, it's now comfy and so soft. How did that happen?" I thought in my sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes, my eye met with another pair of suddenly, I shrieked and fell with a loud thud.

I stood up and stared at the bed I apparently fell from and Tobi on the other side of the bed.

"How... How did I get here?" I stuttered.

"You're welcome!" He said as he sat up.

"You brought me here?" I asked.

"Yeah, cos you are heartless enough for you to lock me in the bathroom all night doesn't mean I should be heartless like you!" He said and went inside the bathroom.

"He's so full of himself!" I mumbled and slumped on the bed.

Ochanya {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now