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My leg got better as day went by. So by weekend I was ready to met Leonard secretly. I'm still determined to patch up Alia's relationship, it's the least I can do to repay her for all this years.

I entered the cafeteria in disguise and I took a sit in front of Leonard.

“Why the disguise?” he asked as soon as i sat with a chuckle.

“I can't handle the people hovering around me once they see me, it's exhausting” I replied and he chuckled loudly.

“How is your leg?” he asked.

“It's better, I'm trying not to limp, it's embarrassing” I replied and he nodded with a smile.

“So how is she?” he asked as he stirred his drink with a straw.

“Why won't you pick her calls? She's trying hard, yet you're driving her away” I said.

“I tried hard for three year and she pushed me away for six years, tell me ochanya, should I just welcome her with open arms?” he asked.

“So you're taking your revenge? She's going through hell goddammit!” I asked with raised brows and he chuckled sadly and shook his head.

“I expected this, I expected you to support her, I only want her to have a taste of her own medicine, it's just been two weeks and you're talking about hell?” he said coldly and I sighed.

“So tell me how long you intend to do this? Weeks, month, years or eternity? Your type of love doesn't come with forgiveness? Or you don't love her anymore and you just want to have your revenge and dash her hopes of coming back into your life? ” I asked.

“I love Alia and I think I'll forever do” he said.

“Just end the silly game, you two get back together, express your love to each other and let's plan the biggest wedding in history” I nudged.

“You think she'd be ready to marry me?” he asked.

“She talks a lot about having kids lately and there's only one way to have kids right?” I half lied, I don't know if she'd be ready to have kids but I know she waNts him back in her life and he laughed.

“I love your sense of humor ochanya, you're a good friend, Alia is lucky to have you” he said and stood you to hug me. After few Minutes of chit chat, he asked to take me home.

“I'll take you back home” he said and I shook my head.

“Don't bother, I came with a ride ” I replied and he nodded. He took my hand and we walked out of the cafeteria. As we opened the door, wind blew the black scarf  working as my disguise on the ground. As I bent to pick it up, my dark shades fell, ruining my disguise and exposing my face. I attempted to picked them up but Leonard beat me to it, still holding my hand. He wore back my disguise for me as before and i can't help but laugh gently time to time.

“You're such a gentleman!” I complimented and he smiled.

He walked me to the car and opened the back door for me, hopped in and waved at him before shutting the door. I told the driver to take me home.

When I got home, I sat in the sitting room for a while to catch up on my favorite show.  After an hour, I went to the kitchen to get sandwich and I headed for my room to get some rest.

I opened the door to my room and entered, I turned after shutting the door and I was startled by who I saw standing by my nightstand. I let out a sigh of relieve.

“Before you say anything, give me the chance to express how sorry I am” he said calmly trying to maintain eye contact with me.

“For what exactly Tobi? For the kisses or for leading me on or for betraying my trust or is it for trying to use me to get Alia, the only woman you've ever_ loved?” I asked calmly but emphasized on the loved.

“Those were my motive ochanya but not anymore, I loved Alia Williams a lot but not anymore” he said as he locked eyes with mine and I chuckled.

“When a liar gets caught, he goes ahead to hatch another lie to cover the first one up” I said, taking off my scarf and walking towards my dressing table. I dropped my plate of sandwich on the table, I sat and looked at him through his reflection on the mirror.

“I'm not lying Ochanya, I meant what I said” he said.

“Really? All of a sudden you stopped loving the woman you've always loved to prove what to me? To prove how gullible I am?” I asked

“I don't expect you to believe me, cos it took a while for me to also realise I no longer have feelings for Alia” he said.

“Alia! Alia! Alia! Can you please stop already? I have no interest in your love life and I don't care who you have feelings for, we kissed twice doesn't make us a thing, just leave my room, okay?” I yelled.

“I'm not leaving until we sort this out” he said Coming close to me so I sprang up and faced him.

“we have nothing to sort out Tobi daramola, we were only friends for a while so I'm pretty sure being sworn enemies again won't be a big deal” I said defensively.

“I've told you severally that there's no way in hell, we are ever gonna be enemies again, I don't have the ability to love you and hate you at the same time” he said back sharply and I raised a brow.

“what...what did you just say?” I stammered and he came closer and held my hand.

“What I'm saying is that i_” he got cut off when an angry Alia burst into my room.

“How could you! Ochanya, how dare you do this to me?” she yelled angrily as I stared at her confused. The woman in front of me is not the Alia I know, it's a a demon staring at me fiercely.

Ochanya {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now