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Song of the chapter: Jangilova by Seyi Shay


[3rd February 2021]

"Okwo please let me go, I promise not to tell anyone about this" I pleaded as he forced me down on his already flat and dusty bed with a wooden frame, making a creaking sound indicating it might collapse soon. I screamed again.

"Scream all you want, no one will hear you!" He said as he had his ways in between my legs, he untied my wrapper revealing the blue panty that my mom got me recently. He grabbed it and tore it out of my skin.

I screamed the more as he thrusts into me. I fought with all my might but he didn't stop, I was vulnerable and there's no one around to come to my rescue. Only his bunch of dumbo friends that are watching the door for him.

I went still when I realized shouting, screaming and struggling is useless. I went still and let him devour me as he continues thrusting in and out rapidly. All I felt is an unbearable pain while he feels pleasure. Despite knowing how much it must hurt, he didn't stop, he continued wildly.

He suddenly started vibrating as he groaned hard and he becomes normal. For a second, I thought he was epileptic. He stood up and wore his trouser as I just stared at the ceiling in tears, I cried silently on the bed. I cursed myself as it dawned on me that this good for nothing Okwo just took my pride, my innocence, my virginity from me.


Rewind to yesterday

(Tuesday )
[2nd February 2021]
{4: 30 pm}

"Rita!" My mom yelled from the kitchen as I hit my feet on the ground in frustration.

"Can this woman leave me alone for a second?" I muttered and I shook my head. "No, she can't, that's because she's meant to be the end of me"I mumbled as I walked towards the kitchen. She was backing the door and she didn't see me enter. Her throat splits and her mouth opened.

"She's about to call me again," I thought


I just knew it!

I cut her off. "I'm here already"

"What are you doing sitting in your room? Have you swept the backyard?" she asked

"Yes mama"

"You've washed the plates I packed outside?"

"That's it behind you looking sparkling clean, mama" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"What about the kitchen pot? Is water inside? I mean is it full to the brim?" she asked.

"But mama, that's Onyela's work now" I lamented.

"Onyela your mate abi?" she asked as she glared at me. "Or is it your 10-years-old sisters that should go fetch water from the stream. She said almost yelling.

Let me introduce myself so we can all get the gist.

My name is Ochanya Rita Ameh, I'm twenty years old, I'm the second daughter of c
Chief Ameh the Ad'ogbadibo of orokam community in Benue state. A few people call us Igbo but we are not, we are from the idoma tribe.

My mother prefers calling me my second name than calling me my first name, Ochanya{Queen}. She believes that I don't deserve the name. I have three siblings and my mom seems to love them more. My elder sister, Onyela is the definition of beauty. She's two years older than I am. Her skin is white like snow and she's curvy like a goddess. That's what the TV feeds us anyways. She's lucky to be fair like our mother. I also have two younger siblings, Ema and Obiye, they are twins and they are just 10. They are also fair like our mother but I'm the only black sheep in the family. I'm just so different from them, I'd have been a little excited if I looked like our father. But no, my father is neither fair or dark, he's light. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a bastard but my father always reminds me I can only find happiness and peace in embracing my skin color, he said I look exactly like his late mother and he loves it. I've seen my grandmother's picture and she doesn't in any way look attractive to me but rather a frump but father seems to see the opposite.

Ochanya {Completed}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن