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The beach was so fun, never did I imagine Tobi and I will be on talking terms. We all had fun and took pictures and went back to the hotel to prepare for our bonfire night.

I went back to the hotel room alone since Tobi had something to take care off. I got into the shower to get the beach sand out my body and my hair especially. I took my time and sang along with the music playing.

After a while, i heard a knock, I got out of the bathroom with a towel around my chest and water dripping from my hair to my body and to the floor.

When I got out, I saw Tobi ushering the room service in as they wheeled in our dinner. After the waiter left, he turned and saw me. He sighed

''There's a thing called towel, and you should have wrapped it around your head''
He said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes and went back inside the bathroom to take a towel and I wrapped it around my head to dry my hair.

''I hope that's our dinner cos I'm starving to death'' I whined as I opened the plates one after the other. I proceeded to dish my food out since we've been eating separately since we got here.

''Don't be such a dick! Eating with me won't kill you!'' He said as he took off his shirt and I quickly looked away, I can't get distracted again and give him the wrong impression.

''I don't want to eat with you and note that you started this and I wish to continue the tradition'' I said and continued to dish out my food.

''What's the deal with you? Whenever I try to be nice, you shove it on my face!'' He said, clearly upset.

''No one asked you to be nice!'' I said and immediately wore my earplugs.

I felt him coming close to me but before I could do anything, he grab my arm and removed the earplugs from my ears.

"what's wrong with you?" I yelled as I struggled to free myself from his grip all to no avail.

I looked up at him to glare at him. His face was hard, he's clearly pissed but the anger slowly wore off, his grip on me loosened, his hand slowly found it way to my waist, I was so lost staring into his eyes. His head slowly moved close to mine for a kiss, I closed my eyes anticipating it as adrenaline gushes my body system, my feet felt cold and I gulped.

"you know what? Have it your way!" he said all of a sudden and my eyes flung open.

"what?" I asked

"you wish to eat alone, so have it your way" he said and walked away to finish undressing himself

Am I mistaken? Was he not about to kiss me few seconds ago? And did I actually anticipate the kiss? Ochanya!!!!

"what happened now? You look pale, is it perhaps because you didn't get the kiss you anticipated?" he asked and my face turned purple with embarrassment.

"somebody please shoot me!" I muttered.


We are all seated around the bonfire, the guys are all holding a beer, while the rest of the ladies had soda in their hands. They were all chattering happily while I was trying hard to get what happened between Tobi and I out of my silly head.

"Ochanya, are you okay?" Ben asked.

"yeah, of course!" I answered impatiently.

"you seem off" Claudia added

"It's nothing" I said avoiding Tobi who had a smirk plastered on his face.

"Her face has been pale like that when she was eating in the room" He said and gave me a secret wink before proceeding to take a gulp of his drink.

I think the rest noticed how uncomfortable I felt with Tobi's remark. Claudia cleared her throat.

"How about we play T and D?" Alia asked

"Truth or dare? Yes please!"khaddie replied

"I second that" Jake said

"sorry everyone, what's the details of the game?" I asked.

"are you saying you've never played this game? Ever?" Tobi asked and I glared at him.

"Don't mind him, here's a bottle, we spin it and if the bottle stops in front of you, you'll choose either truth or dare, if it's truth, any question asked must be answered truthfully and if it's dare, anything you are asked to, must be done without thinking twice, I mean ANYTHING!" She emphasized on the anything. "so are you in?" Alia asked

"I don't think so, a girl like her shouldn't venture in adult's business" Tobi said.

"Unfortunately, venturing in adult's business is my hobby, sorry to disappoint you Tobi, I'm so in" I said, even though the game sounds unpleasant but I'm sure it'll be fun and I don't want to be left out.

"Oh! I'm so disappointed" Tobi said in a girlish voice and laughed before saying. "like I care"

"Tobi can you please be nice?" khaddie asked

"Sure!" he said.

Jake took the bottle from Alia and spun it. The bottle stopped in front of Ben.

"wow! Let me do the honour of asking, so truth or dare?" Alia asked.

"Truth" Ben said with a smile.

"okay! Who is your celebrity crush?" Alia asked making almost everyone chuckle. Ben looked at Claudia.

"my better half, she might not be an actress, model or artist, but she's my world, she's the source of my happiness, she's the hottest and most beautiful woman of all other women which makes her a celebrity" he said looking at Claudia who is blushing from ear to ear

"so to your question Alia, Claudia is my celebrity crush" he said and almost all of us did the "Awwwwn" thing.

The game continued and it was very fun. Few of them chose dare which made the game more fun

The bottle stopped spinning in front of Alia and Tobi proceeded in asking her.

"Truth or dare?"


"if you don't mind Jake, I need to ask Alia this question, so Alia, how do you feel about your ex?" Tobi asked and Alia's facial expression slightly changed

"well, I can't really tell myself..." she paused and continued. "but I know for sure that I've not forgotten him and I don't think I ever will, he's my first love and our break up is probably my_ fault"she said sadly and I held her hand.

"Don't blame yourself Alia, please" I said and she smiled. Tobi's question only made the air stuffy and really awkward. I wonder why he'd ask her such question.

"It's okay everyone, I'm totally fine with the question" Alia said.

"And FYI, Alia and I are just friends, Everyone here seem to know that but you don't" Jake said to Tobi.

"I'm sorry if I made anyone feel uncomfortable" Tobi said and poured himself another cup of beer.

"okay, let's spin the bottle" Jake said and spun the bottle. We all patiently waited for the bottle to finish spinning, my phone slipped from my hand and I bent to pick it up, when I looked up I saw everyone's eye on me.

"why's everyone looking at me?" I asked.

"your spell didn't work this time, look at the bottle" khaddie said and I looked at the bottle.

"O! M! G! " I exclaimed.

Ochanya {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora