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"Ochanya, why didn't you let Tobi in?" Alia asked as she climbed down the stairs in a bathrobe.

"He said he wasn't ready to come in and he'd prefer you usher him in like a prince he claims to be" I said and Alia smiled, I guess she got that I was being sarcastic.

She went to get the door as I concentrated on my show. I heard them talking behind me but I refuse to acknowledge them.

"Ochanya" Alia called and I turned.

"This is Tobi Daramola, my Fitness instructor, he's a friend as well" Alia said.

"Thank you so much Alia since he finds it too hard to state that sentence you just said easily with no headache attacking afterward" I said plainly to Alia without glancing at him. Alia giggled.

"She's such a child" I heard him mumble.

" I heard that!" I said out loud enough to make him hear and Alia burst out laughing.

"You... guys... You guys_" she said amidst laughter.

"I hope you won't choke on your laughter" I said and she stopped.

"Anyways, Tobi this is Ochanya, my friend and she'll be staying with me for a while" Alia said and I heard him snort and I turned.

"Sorry young man, we hate pigs!" I said and faced the TV.

" Did she just call me a pig?" He said sounding annoyed.

" No, I didn't, I only told you one of the things we dislike_ pigs! Especially the ones that snorts, moreover you called me a maid and I wasn't pissed" I said again and faced the TV.

"You know what? I'm not here for you, hope your gym is the way I left it?" He asked Alia. She was about to answer when I cut in.

"Alia I think I need gym lessons too" I said

"So what are you insinuating?" he shot at me as he glared at me icily.

"You'll be taking me" I said with a smile and he gave me a fake smile.

"I'm not doing that!"

"It's your job, as a fitness instructor unless you want to be changed" I said with a smirk and turned back to my show.

"You guys stop already, it's not funny anymore" Alia cuts in. "Why are you guys at each other's throat?" She said and whispered to Tobi. "Let's assume that Ochanya has no sense, can you act like a man and use yours?" She asked

"I heard that!" I said out loud


It's Saturday, Claudia joined us later yesterday after that rude guy left.

I'm in my room and I just woke up, I sat up in bed and stared at nothing.

I heard a knock and both Claudia and Alia entered. They entered sluggishly and glance at each other repeatedly.

"Talk" Alia whispered to Claudia. Then I know what they want to talk about, throughout the two weeks I've spent I've prayed to God so that this conversation never comes up but it seems that's not happening.

"What's the matter guys?" I asked as I fought the urge not to burst into tears already.

"Ermmm... Ochanya, you see_" Claudia tried to say but stopped.

"Say it" I said softly.

"You are on the news and your family seems to be searching for you" she said and paused. "We have to take you back" she completed and tears spilled.

"I can't_ I can't go back there" I said softly.

"We have no choice here Ochanya, Alia and I can get into trouble if you are found here" Claudia said as she sat beside me gently.

"I'll leave, I leave your house, I don't want to get you guys in trouble but_" I paused as tears fell freely. "I'm not going back" I said.

"Don't get us wrong, We are not sending you away, what really happened Ochanya? Tell us! We can help you!" Alia said has her voice shook.

Maybe it's time I tell them what happened, I'm leaving anyway.

"I... I was... I was raped!" I said as I tried not to choke on my tears. They gasped.

"How come?" Alia asked.

"My father who use to love me very much hates me, he said he doesn't want to see my face" I said almost in a whisper. I explained everything thing that happened and by the time I raised my head, I saw them shaking their head in pity. I hate the looks of pity.

"That bastard that raped you told such lie?" Claudia asked.

"Yes, I couldn't walk freely anymore, the shame and humiliation I get in the community are unbearable, my face disgusts my father cos he believed I let him down. When I threw up, they assumed I was pregnant and my father lashed out at me again, he told me he doesn't want to see me ever again, I... I was hurt to hear my father say that, then I took off, they must have thought I only wanted to have some time alone since that's what I do when I'm upset, but what they didn't know is that I was going to kill myself" I said and cried out loud even though I tried to suppress it.

"You know what Claudia, you are right, trying to take my life is wrong, I'm not going back to my parent nor am I going to stay here to implicate you girls and don't worry, I won't be killing myself either" I said and they both hugged me.

"You are not going anywhere" Alia said.

"No Alia, I have to leave, I can't stay here forever and be a burden to you girls" I replied and pulled away from the hug.

"Who said you are a burden?" Alia wailed.

"It's just a matter of time before I become a burden Alia"

"So where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere, I'll search for a job and start afresh" I said and scoffed.

"Do you think this is Benue? Or you think this place is orokam?" She asked. "This is Lagos girl, wise up! You can't survive out there without a roof over your head!" She yelled at me.

"I'll try my best to survive and I'll come to see you when I'm stable, I promise you" I said and stood up as I wore back the cloth I was wearing when I got here.

I faced them and there was a sad expression on their face.

"Ermmm, thanks for everything, I really appreciate everything you did for me in the last two weeks, thank you" I said and slowly turned to leave but what she said stopped me.

"You owe me your life! What do you think?" Alia said sternly

Ochanya {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now