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Alia helped me set up my new phone and I didn't sleep all through the night, I wasted no time in opening an Instagram account, Twitter account and setting up my WhatsApp. Immediately I was log on, I saved Leonard's phone number and I clicked on his profile picture and there he is looking like a Greek god, charming and handsome. His face has a wide smile showcasing his deep and charming dimples. I zoomed in and out several times, checking every crook and crannies of his well structured face.

I opened the chat.

"Should I text him?" I muttered.

"No! It's just today, I don't want him to think I'm desperate or crazy about him" I thought

"But you are actually crazy about him" another part of my mind said.

"I'll text him in three days time, deal!" I said to myself and closed the chat.

I went to his IG page and checked out all his pictures.

I know you are wondering how I got his username.

Well, his name is Leonard and i searched for the name Leonard. Though it brought out a thousands of Leonard but I checked it one after the other till I got to him.

Don't mind me, I'm jobless and I have all the time in the world to stalk my crush.

I found out he's a well renowned artist and photographer and he has a huge gallery and photography company with hundreds of people working under him.

"He's rich!" I said.

"What if he just wants to take advantage of me, I'm not in any way pretty, I'm homeless and have less cash, I don't meet his standard, it's better I just let him go to avoid further feelings. I dropped my phone and turned to the other side of my bed thinking about what to do.


It's been three weeks, making almost three month I left my parents. The last three weeks has been the same routine, the only difference is the, Alia hired a tutor for me and the tutorial started two weeks ago, the exam is in a week time but from I learnt since two weeks ago that triggered my secondary school memory, I'm more than ready to sit for the exam.

As soon as the tutor left, I took my phone and opened my IG page, I checked my followers, I have just two in the last three weeks.

"Alia has 19.2million followers, Claudia has 5million, Leonard has 14.8million, why will I have just 2?" I wailed in my thought.

"Maybe something is wrong with my account, but I made sure I filled all details correctly" Alia walked by, jeopardizing my thought.

"Alia" I called and she moved closer to me.

"I think my Instagram is faulty" I said and Alia stared at me with wide eyes.

"Your Instagram is what?" She asked and it's evident on her face that she's about to burst into laughter.

"faulty?" I said more like asked, her expression just explained that I've said something wrong.

"Ochaaanya!"she dragged my name. "What's wrong with your Instagram?"

She asked and I look up at her. "I've had just 2 followers in three weeks and all this people here have thousands and millions followers" I said showing her those I followed on Instagram but are refusing to follow back with their huge number of followers.

"Listen Ochanya, first of all your Instagram isn't faulty, apps don't get faulty, they either crash or get brought down. Secondly, those interesting people you are following are celebrities and they don't follow back" she explains.

"Why?" I said with a scrunched up face.

"For example, I have almost 20million followers and I get almost 200 of them every day, how do I follow all of them back, I don't have all the time in the world you know, moreover if I keep getting all their updates, it might affect my page and it might crash" she explained and I understood.

"Oh! I seeeee" I said dragging the "see"

"Let me see your page" she said and took my phone from me. I patiently waited as she went through it..

"You don't have a profile picture, you've not posted any picture at all" she said and I let out a small smile.

"Cos I have none?" I replied, more like asking her.

"You don't have any picture? Not even selfies?" She asked.


I've never liked taking pictures, I'm not pretty and I look more weird in pictures so I never took any

"Why?" She asked.

"I'm not pretty Alia, I don't want people to laugh at me" I said and she sat.

"Who told you you are not pretty?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Isn't it obvious? Look at me! I'm skinny, dark and... and, I'm a frump Alia, look at me!" I wailed.

"You are pretty!" She shot at me and stood up, I opened my mouth to talk but she shut me up.

"Don't say anything Ochanya, trust me when I say you are not bad as you think" she said as she looked me straight in the eye.

"Okay ma'am" I said.

"Now to boost your instagram account, you're following me to work tomorrow, you'll take some pictures" she said and I smiled.

"That will be great" I replied excitedly.

The next day, I woke up early and got dressed, I don't want to keep Alia waiting.

Ochanya {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now