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Song of the chapter: Hate me by juiceworld

You might want to listen to the song as you read this chapter😭


“How could you! Ochanya, how dare you do this to me?” Alia yelled angrily after bursting into my room, I just stood there confused. I've never seen her this angry.

“Alia, what's wrong? Why do you look so upset?” Tobi asked.

“Don't ask me, ask this devil who is bent on taking what's mine” she said coldly.

“Alia_” I tried to say but she cut me off.

“Don't say my name, you ingrate! I gave you everything and this is how you repay me?” she yelled fiercely.

“Calm down Alia, this is not you!” Tobi shouted at her and she faced him.

“You're going to take her side?” she asked.

“I'm not taking sides, as you can see, she clueless about what's going on, just tell us what happened!” Tobi said calmly.

“Alright, look at me ochanya and tell me the truth, the first time you saw Leonard wasn't at the cocktail party  that I invited him to, when was the first time you saw him?” she asked.

I'm so confused that I don't know what she's driving at but it's best I tell her the truth.

“Three... Three years ago, af.. after you two
broke up” I stuttered.

“What! You've been seeing my boyfriend for three years?” she screeched and I widened my eyes. I shook my head vigorously as I chanted No, but she wasn't ready to listen.

“Now you're going to deny it, Tobi let me show you something” she said and gave Tobi her phone, showing her some pictures I guess.
“This was earlier today, when she went to meet my boyfriend secretly, just look at the picture, she's wearing the same dress, can you see?” she said to Tobi, as Tobi glanced at the picture and me back and forth.

“Ochanya, is this true?” Tobi asked, sounding really hurt.

“No! It's not what you guys think, I can explain” I trailed off as my heart raced.

“I don't need your explanation ochanya, you know what, I made a mistake in trusting you! How sure am I sure that how we met isn't a planned work? How sure am I that all those stories you said are not cooked up?” she yelled which made tears gush down my face the more.

“My past has nothing to do with this Alia, I'll never lie to you, please don't talk about it” I said amidst tears.

“Oh, you don't want Tobi to know about how you ended up Lagos from your village? How you were raped and condemn in your village, how you tried to take your own life but I saved you, how I took care of you and took you as my own, you don't want Tobi to know how you tried to take my only source of happiness from me? Or you don't want Tobi to know that this is your revenge plan for Tobi loving me and not you?” Alia said and I slumped on the chair. Never did I imagine Alia will say such terrible things to hurt me, she isn't even giving me the chance to explain myself.

I saw Tobi leaving the room as Alia paced my room.

“Alia, it's not what you think, I was only trying to_”

“Stop denying it ochanya, Leonard already said it's true so there's no point in denying it! You're nothing but a backstabbing bitch!” she said spitefully.

“What! Leonard admitted I was in a relationship with him?” I asked as I shook.

“You expect him to deny it like you? You know what I think? I think you seduced him, you wanted to have him cos Tobi wasn't showing interest in you, you wanted to get back at me cos Tobi loved me” she trailed off

I'm sick and tired of listening to her when she's not ready to listen to me. I stood up and started walking out of the room but that didn't stop her from ranting as she followed me.

“Ochanya! Where are you going? Are you going to him now? Ochanya! Don't go to him! Ochanya!” she kept yelling until I was out of the house.

On my way out of the estate, Claudia drove past me, she didn't see me, if she did she'd have stopped me from leaving. I stopped a cab when I got out of the estate, I went to khaddie's apartment, I'm sure she'll give me a listening ear.

“What happened ochanya, you look unhappy” she said as she ushered me into her living room.

“It's all over, it's over! She hates me!” I said amidst an uncontrollable tears.

“What are you talking about?” she asked so I explained everything to her.

“Trust me khaddie, I only wanted to help her revive her relationship cos I knew how much she loves Leonard but she won't even listen to me” I said as I hiccuped.

“calm down ochanya, I'm sure Alia will come around, your bond is stronger than that” Khaddie said rubbing my palm.

“No khaddie, nothing is fine, Leonard telling Alia her assumption is right only made my situation worse, meanwhile I was only trying to help them get together which I regret already” I said wiping my tears.

“Don't say that Ochanya, what did Tobi say?” she asked.

“Nothing! He just left without saying anything, I don't care about what he thinks, I don't owe him any explanation so what he thinks is not my problem” I said cold-heartedly.

“I don't believe you! You love him and you obviously care about what he thinks” Khaddie said with a stern look.

“Yes, I love him but he loves Alia so you see nothing ever work out well for me” I replied.

“I think he's just in shock, he's probably convinced about Alia's allegations”

“Do you mind if I spend the night here?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure! What will you like to eat?” she asked.

“I'm not hungry khaddie, I just want to sleep” I said.

“okay, at least shower so you can feel relieved” she suggested.  She directed me to the bathroom, I took my time in the shower, the more i try to feel relaxed, the more Alia's word haunts me and pierce my soul. I left the shower and laid on the bed naked, covering myself with a duvet in khaddie's guest room.

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