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Tobi Daramola

I was about to admit my feelings for Ochanya when Alia interrupted. She looked really angry and accused Ochanya of having an affair with Leonard. I thought she was just being paranoid and acting up considering the fact that Leonard has bluntly ignored her in the last few weeks. I didn't believe Alia not until she showed me some pictures. There, I had doubts, there's Leonard looking at Ochanya lovingly, they're holding hands and there's barely space in between them.

I suddenly felt rage.

"Leonard again! At first it was Alia, now it's Ochanya! Why is this douche hell bent on never making me have a love life? And why do these ladies keep choosing him over me? I've never been rejected by any woman! The fear of Alia rejecting me never made me try, now I'm in love with Ochanya and I don't even stand a chance?" I thought in my head as I watched Alia's mouth moved, she was saying things angryily that I wasn't paying attention to, all I could think about is how Leonard keeps taking the women I love from me.

I stormed out of the the Williams mansion. It's high time I talked to Leonard. I drove fast towards his house. I knew the place cos I once drove Alia there before.

When I got there, I saw him driving out but I blocked his way with my car and hopped out angrily. I opened the door to his car and dragged him out by his collar.

"So now it's Ochanya?" I asked

"What the hell is this? What are you talking about man?" he asked faking ignorance.

"Why Ochanya? Why don't you just stick with Alia and stop popping your head out with every woman I have feelings for!" I said and he widened his eyes a little bit before bursting into laughter.

"Oh man! Are you really here to pick a fight with me over a woman? This isn't you Tobi!" he said mockingly.

"you find this funny? First it was Alia, now it's ochanya, I know for sure you seduced her so you could use her to hurt Alia, why can't you just stick your dick to one woman and stop trying to create chaos between best friends!"

"wait what? Are you here for Alia or Ochanya? Or are you in love with both of them?" he asked and I hardened my fist.

"I'm sparing your pretty face for Alia, if only you know the kind of wedge you've created between the two friends, you won't find anything funny, let me give you a good advice, whatever you have with ochanya, end it now! Cos I'm not backing out this time" I said and attempted to walk away.

"You guys didn't really give Ochanya the chance to speak, did you? Well, this isn't my fault, I guess trust isn't in their friendship and that's not my problem, if you'll excuse me, I have a plane to catch" he said and hopped into his car, he managed to drive past my car and I watched as he drove off speedily.

"He didn't admit to the allegations neither did he deny it, Could Alia be wrong? Did I just make a fool out of myself for nothing?" I thought as I rubbed my temple and hit my car with my fist.

I went home and tried to clear my head, whenever I remember how I ranted in front of Leonard, I hiss at myself. I've always kept my cool but today I lost it because of my feelings for Ochanya.

The more i tried to stop thinking about her, the more she keeps popping into my head. I tried calling her phone several time but she won't pick any of my calls.

The next day, I went to the Williams mansion to see her, at least to tell her I believe she's innocent to make her feel better but when I got there, I saw Claudia struggling to get out of her car.

"Claudia, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Hey Tobi, nothing serious, my water just broke and I think the baby's coming" She said it like it was nothing.

Ochanya {Completed}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora