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It's been three years the relationship I thought would last long crumble before my eyes.

Leonard broke up with me because he believes that I don't love him enough to marry him after he asked twice.

Whenever I think about it, I regret it. I turned down his romantic proposal twice because I didn't believe in marriage. I wasn't ready to have kids even though that's what he wants badly.

As years went on, I realised how much Leonard loves me and how much it must have hurt him to break up with me. He left me hoping I'd change my mind and the childish me didn't even try to get him back.

He must have definitely come to the conclusion that I never loved him so he stayed away.

I tried to go back to him but I felt it's too late and he might not love me anymore, the thought of that alone is scary. I stalked him over the years, I thought he'd get married soon knowing how much he wanted kids but it's been three years and he doesn't have any woman yet.

During the international shoot for the commercial of my new products, I invited him since he's also an international photographer but he didn't show up. I invited him hoping if he shows up, it means he still feels something for me but he didn't neither did he reply the text of the invitation.

Many times, I was tempted to ask his father, senator Okoro, my father's best friend also the main shareholder of my company, I'm always tempted to ask if I still have a chance in his son's life but I don't have the audacity knowing that I messed up big time.

Few days to the launching of my product, I thought of going to his office but then I realised, I don't know what to say to him after I let him down three years ago. So I decided to invite him to the cocktail party hoping he'd show.

On the night of the party, I made sure I was clad in a dress made with leonard's favourite colour which is champagne gold.

Even though I sent him an invite through text message, he didn't reply but i still hoped he'd show up.
Ochanya is already ready and she keeps telling me to hurry up.

Ochanya has been a good friend and sister over the years and never did I regret taking her in. After Claudia got married, she filled Claudia's place in the house.
After I had a little crisis in my company, when I thought the commercial won't get out on the scheduled date, ochanya filled the void and the commercial turned better than I expected.

“please hurry up Alia!” She wailed as she waited for me to get ready, little did she know what I planned for her tonight.

We went to the party after Claudia came to burst us out of the house.

When we got to the party, I Checked everywhere for Leo but he wasn't there. Even though I feel sad and awful I've lost the love of my life forever, I tried to be strong for my guests.

I proceeded in announcing ochanya as the face of Alia Williams cosmetics. She deserves it. My heart boomed for joy when I saw the happiness on her face as everyone congratulated her.

“A call for you ma'am” Kelvin, my personal assistant gave me the phone as we stepped out to a silent place.

“who's it?”

“Miss Melissandra” he replied and I spoke to the bitch who tried to cross path with me. She told me she was ready to refund the whole of 20million she was paid which I gladly agree to take. After the call, I went back to the party. I saw Tobi and ochanya talking, knowing they'd start their cat and dog fight again, i moved towards them to stop them but as I got closer I realised how hard ochanya is  laughing so I decided to eavesdrop. They are trying to start over since the first time they met didn't go well.

“What will you like to have pending the time Alia gets here?” ochanya said to him and I decide to join their conversation since they are literally waiting for me.

“I'm here!” I said and they both looked at me. I'm really glad they are getting along, over the years, I hoped really hard that their heart strings for each other which I'm glad is happening.

I've always known that Tobi has a thing for me and I don't want to acknowledge it because if I do, it will drive us apart, our friendship will no longer be the same. I only love Leonard and I can't reciprocate Tobi's love. I also knew that ochanya has a soft spot for Tobi, her hatred for Tobi is just a cover to bury her true feelings.

I've seen how she looks at him and how she'd secretly hope for his presence in the house. Then I decided to work on Tobi feeling the same way ochanya feels, I want him to divert his attention to her and I know how to do just that.

Something prompted me to look to my right and I did, my heart boomed for joy when Leonard walked in with his hands in his pocket. I noticed ochanya has a shocked expression. So I assumed she's mesmerized by Leonard's handsomeness.

“Are you okay?” I asked and she nodded.

“Hi ladies” Leonard greeted with a warm smile, that smile that melts both my heart and panty.

“Hi!” I replied  with a smile, she greeted ochanya who seems disturbed, she replied and scurried away. Leo watched her until she was out of sight and I wonder why he looked at her like that, I cleared my throat and he diverted his attention on me.

“That's my best friend, Ochanya” I said awkwardly as I looked down and fidgeted with my fingers.

“yeah! I saw her on TV, I'm just amazed to meet her in person” he replied and I sighed with a smile. I slowly looked up and my eyes met with his.

I was filled with guilt, I can't believe I hurt a man like him, his only crime was loving me and I punished him badly.

“I'm quite sure you didn't invite me here just to stare” he said with a small smile and I looked away as I chuckled awkwardly.

“I'm sorry, I'm just glad you are here and I'm kind of_” I paused as I tried to look for the right word. “Speechless” I completed. He stared at me for a long time and smiled again.

“How have you been Alia?” he asked soothingly.

“I'm fine, how are you too?” I asked

“Don't ask me that Alia, we both know you don't care about how I do” he said calmly with a smile but it didn't reach his eye.

“No Leo, that's not true, I_” he cuts in

“I'm glad you are achieving your aim, your company is getting to greater heights, the big dream that doesn't involve me” he said


“I'm not here to talk about the past Alia, I'm here to celebrate with you” he said as he took a flute of champagne from a waiter's tray and tried to walk away.

“wait_” I said desperately. “I need to talk to you, do you mind meeting over lunch tomorrow?” I asked.

“I'm travelling to Europe for an urgent business and I'm sure whatever you want to talk about can wait till I'm back” he replied

“So when will you be back?” I asked.

“That's the thing, I don't know when”

“Alright! Okay, so will you give me a call when you return?” I asked defeatedly.

“I hope I remember” he replied and walked away. Even though I've achieved my aim, I still feel empty.  I'm not filled with happiness despite how hard i worked to get my company to this height.
I had little hope that Leo might still want me but now that little hope is shattered.

All I saw in his eyes was anger and his cold treatment confirmed it. He probably doesn't love me anymore.

After a while, I watched him leave the party without a goodbye.  I left the party as well to avoid breaking down in front of my guests. I decided not to tell neither my sister or my best friend. I deserve what I got.

Ochanya {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now