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The more Leonard drove me away, the more i felt the urge to go closer. After that day we met, he stopped taking my calls and he doesn't return them either. Not to sound like an obsession I hired a private investigator to find out if Leonard is seeing another woman. I know doing that is wrong but what choice do i have, he has completely shut me out and there's nothing I can do. So it got me wondering if he has moved on and he loves someone else now, if that's the case, I can't get in his way of happiness.

I left for work today leaving ochanya at home.

Late in afternoon, I got a call from my private investigator. Apparently, he's been keeping a keen eye on Leonard close to a week now and I've not gotten any news about Leonard seeing any woman. Seeing his call, I assumed he has a helpful information for me.

“I think you're right, he his seeing another woman” he said and I can feel my heart shattering.

“Who... Who is she?” I stuttered.

“I'll forward the pictures to you”he said and hung up. I paced as I thought of who the woman could be.

My phone beeped and I rushed towards it. Opened the message and I saw 10 pictures, I viewed it. I saw Leonard talking to a woman in disguise, a genuine smile graced his face, He looked really happy. The woman's face is disguised and unrecognizable. I checked the other pictures and something caught my eye. The lady's disguise is off, both her dark shade and scarf are lying on the ground but her face isn't visible still cos she bent to pick it up. The next picture gave me away as I lost my balance and slumped on my chair.


I checked the other picture, I saw where leonard hugged her, took her hand and walked her out of the cafeteria, how he helped her back with her disguise.

A pang of jealousy hit me and I shook my head.

“How can this happen? Ochanya dating my boyfriend behind my back?” I mumbled then the day Leonard showed up at my party bumped into my mind. She looked really shocked to see him.

Obviously, Leonard wasn't at the party for  me but for ochanya. How can ochanya ever think of doing this to me?

I took my keys and rushed out of the premises, I drove towards Leonard's house, when I got there, the gateman opened the gate and gave me easy access. It's been three years I've been there, so I looked around. Nothing has changed, it's as peaceful and beautiful as ever.

I went in, I didn't bother knocking or ringing the door bell. I entered and went straight to his mini studio, where he paints. I knew that's where he'd be

As I attempted to go in, he came out and we bumped into each other.

“Alia? What we you doing in my house?” he asked as he hurriedly lock the studio behind him.

“What are you hiding there? Another whore?” I asked angrily.

“What's that suppose to mean?” he asked with a scrunched up face.

“I told you I was sorry, I asked for your forgiveness but you still choose to do this to me?” I asked amidst tears and he sighed.

“Listen, I suggest you calm down and explain what's really going on with you” he said.

“Are you seeing someone else?” I asked and he chuckled.

“What if I am? Don't tell me you're here to play the jealous girlfriend card on me cos you're not my girlfriend” he said.

“Yeah, yeah I know, ochanya took my place in your life pretty good” I said and i saw his jaw drop.

“What did you just say? where's all this coming from?” he asked and I scoffed.

“Don't bother denying it Leo, I know everything!” I shot at him and he chuckled unbelievably.

“Wait, let me get this straight, did you just accuse me of dating Ochanya, your best friend?” he asked and I rolled my eyes as I wiped my tears. I brought out my phone and showed him the pictures, he looked at them one after the other and smiled.

“Are you stalking me now?” he asked with a grin as he returned my phone.

“Of all things, that all you have to say? You weren't picking my calls or giving me any attention, I needed to know if you're seeing someone else, I don't want to get in your way of happiness” I said calmly as tears gushed down my face.

“So now you find out that I've moved on and I'm seeing someone else, why do you look so unhappy about my happiness?” he asked coldly.

“She's my friend Leo, my best friend, she's like a sister to me, she lives under my fucking roof!” I yelled the last part.


“You know what she's getting out of my house today!” I threatened and turned to leave.

“Nice! Then she can come live with me, I'm tired of meeting her secretly” he said and walked very close to me. “Please do that so I can have my first night with my girl” he whispered to my face.

“You'll pay for this!” I said sternly.

“I paid three years ago when you cared less about my feelings” he replied.

“please Leonard, I love you alot, the last three years as been hell for me as well but my pride got in the way, I'm ready to do whatever you want me to do, just don't leave me like this” I pleaded.

“you have someone to send packing, just think twice and listen to what she has to say before you do so” he said and walked out of my sight.

Tears fell uncontrollably from my eyes. I squeezed my car key in my hand as I felt it piercing my skin.

“I'm going to kill you ochanya!” I mumbled.

I drove home recklessly ready to confront ochanya.

Ochanya {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now