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As I heard the cock crow and I opened my eyes. I slept early yesterday now I'm tired of sleeping and it's just 6:00am. I sat up and looked around me.

I'm so confused, i don't know what to do next, should I go back home and try talking to Alia again or I should go confront Leonard about what he did or should I talk to Tobi and make him understand,i have no secret relationship with Leonard, or should I talk to Claudia instead.

I kept contemplating until 8:00am as I rolled continuously on the bed. khaddie left for work already, not without leaving breakfast for me. She could have stabbed work but there's an important shoot she can't ignore.

I stood up to go for the last option which is to talk to Claudia. As I got dressed, I heard the main door open and I heard a footstep. I stayed silent, a little scared there's a perpetrator in the building. The door to the room I was in opened and Claudia came in with her protruding belly, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Claudia!" I said as I felt a rush of emotions in my veins. It felt like my saviour has arrived.

"Ochanya! Why didn't you come home last night?" she asked calmly as she sat on the bed beside me.

"I messed up Claudia, I really messed up and I can't face any one!" I said amidst tears.

"Is it true? Are you having an affair with Leonard?" She asked.

"No Claudia, but it's true that I've met Leonard before the Night he showed up at the party" I said and she took my hands.

"Just relax and tell me the whole story" she said calmly.

"I met Leonard three years ago when Alia took me in, I met him at the mall when I was getting clothes to fill up my wardrobe, we only met briefly which is why I never spoke about him, I didn't know that Leonard Is the same Leo Alia has always talked about until he showed up at the party" I explained the whole story to Claudia.

"Why would Leonard admit to Alia's allegations?" Claudia asked.

"I don't know Claudia, I didn't tell you guys about me meeting him secretly cos I was ashamed I almost had a thing with Leonard three years ago which didn't happened cos he still loves his ex who turns out to be Alia, I met him cos I wanted to ignite their love again, Leonard loves Alia, I saw it myself!" I said and Claudia sighed.

"This is a really messed up situation!" Claudia remarked.

"Alia thinks I'm seeing Leonard because Tobi loved her and not me, that's unfair, I regret the whole thing, I regret ever interfering in her relationship, I should have let them work it out on their own!" I said.

"Don't think like that ochanya, I know you're trying to help but it backfired on you, we can sort it out, just relax and let's go home!" Claudia said getting home.

"I'm not going back there, I can't bear one more word from her" I said.

"you should understand ochanya, she's upset but I assure you, she won't utter any word against you"

"If you were there yesterday, you won't urge me to return to that house, she brought up my life history in front of Tobi! She told him everything! I wanted to tell Tobi everything myself but she told him in a fleet of rage, to spite me! She talked about how I was raped like I deserved it! She said how I met her might not even be a coincidence but a planned work! All this over what I didn't even do!" I said hurtfully as I felt my own tears chocking me.


"No! don't say anything Claudia, I was hurt when I found out Tobi loved Alia and not me but I won't stoop so low to have an affair with Leonard! Even Tobi must think lowly of me now!"

"I really don't know what to do, Alia won't listen to me, you won't listen to me either, ochanya! Let's go home, I promise you if Alia utters any hurtful words to you, I'll take you away from there myself, is that okay?" she said

"No Claudia, it's best I stay here until Alia is calm, if she accuses me again I might lose my mind"

"Okay! I'll go talk to Alia so I'll call you and let you know when the matter has been settled, I brought your phone for you" Claudia said as she struggled to stand because of her protruding belly, she handed the phone to me.

"Okay" I saw her off and made sure she drove away before I went back in. I switched on my phone. I was tempted to call Tobi but I kept stopping myself. I'm sure he cares less about the situation. He only loves Alia and this situation looks quite favourable for him.

I went to the dinning table and I got ready to eat. After eating, I spent few hours watching TV before returning to the room I was staying in. I took my phone and realised I've had several missed calls.

My heart raced when I saw 3 missed calls from Tobi.

"why did Tobi call me?" I muttered. I was about to dial his number when my phone rang again. I answered it.

"Hello ochanya, why have you not been picking up?" Tobi said

"Sorry, my phone wasn't with me" I replied.

"Claudia is in labour and she wants you at the hospital" he said.

"What! She left just few hours ago! Okay! I'll be right there" I said

I rushed out, I took a cab that took me straight to the hospital. I entered and I stopped when I got to the reception. I told the nurse who I was there for and the told me. Turned out Claudia is in the labour room and I saw Alia, Tobi and Ben waiting outside.

"what are you doing here?"Alia fired at me as soon as she saw me.

Ochanya {Completed}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin