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He gently pulled away from the kiss, we held eyes for another moment before he kissed my forehead and stood up, I looked away knowing what he was about to do.

I felt him walk out of my room as I heard the door shut after.

I sighed and laid on my back and stare up the ceiling. I felt my eyes get moist and tears poured down my face.

"I wish he said something" I mumbled.


It's been two days Tobi was in my room and he kissed me lovingly. As he left that day, I switched off my phone, there's high chance that if he calls, he'd apologize for kissing me and beg me not to get the wrong impression.

Hearing that from him will shatter my soul so I'll rather make myself believe that. I tried my best in avoiding him. Whenever I hear Alia say he's coming to visit, I leave the house. I really have no desire to talk about the kiss.

Claudia has been with us since yesterday and she's going to be with us for a while. Ben travelled and won't be back for a week or two.

As we all sat and watched our favourite show together. Alia's phone rang and she received it and dropped the call.

"Tobi's is on his way here with our dinner" Alia said excitedly.

"That's so nice of him" Claudia remarked.

"oh, I forgot, I need to meet a friend ASAP" I lied as I stood up to leave the house.

"Not so fast dummy! Where do you think you are going?" Alia asked.

"I just told you I need to meet a friend" I replied as I attempted to move.

"Why do you always have somewhere to be whenever I inform you Tobi's on his way here?" she questioned.

"what does that mean? You think I'm avoiding Tobi?" I asked

"Yeah, so you better tell me what happened the last time he was here" She said.

"Nothing happened, just leave me alone" I replied and tried to leave again.

"No! I'm not leaving you, it took the grace of for you and Tobi to get along, I won't leave you alone and watch you both hate and pick on each other again, so tell me what happened?" she asked again in a more serious manner.

"I thought you both are into each other and already working towards dating" Claudia asked.

"I thought so too" Alia backed her up.

"You guys got it wrong okay, Tobi and I can't be a thing, we don't even match"

"says who?" Alia asked

"says the fact!" I half yelled as I felt my eyes get moist.

"But... But ochanya, you feel something for him, you obviously do" Alia said calmly.

"My feelings for him isn't strong enough to bring us together so it's better I stay away from him before I get hurt and be back to how I met you girls" I stormed out after saying that. I walked out the compound into the estate, it's getting dark but the weather is chilly, thankfully I'm wearing a hoodie. I wore the cap and buried my hands in the hoodie.

I walked slowly towards the estate's main gate. I called an uber and decide to go to a cinema to spend time.

After three hours, I went back home assuming he'd be gone, it's almost midnight.

I peeped into the compound and I didn't see any of his cars parked so I concluded he was gone.

The gateman opened and I went in. I decided to go through the back so I won't be able to resume to Alia's interrogation. As I went on silently, I heard voices near the swimming pool.

I paused to listen, hoping it's not thieves.

"what's your problem? You need to decide what you want cos you're already hurting Ochanya " I heard Claudia's voice even though I could barely see her face. I wonder who she's talking to about me until I heard his voice.

"I know, I know, she's obviously avoiding me and I know it's my fault, I shouldn't just have left without a word that day" Tobi said.

"Listen! I'll stop you from seeing my sisters if this foolish act of yours continues, in fact I'm still convinced you're are still acting this game of using ochanya to get Alia and how many times have I told you Alia can never love you no matter how hard you try?" Claudia said angrily has I felt my heart break into tiny pieces.

It happened again, he was using me. All this while, he was only interested in Alia not me.

"No Claudia, not anymore" Tobi tried to convince Claudia. I tried to walk away hearing enough of their ridiculous discussion but instead, I tripped and fell, almost falling into the pool, drawing their attention towards me.

"Ochanya!" Tobi called and ran towards me trying to get me on my feet.

"Stay away from me!" I threatened with a stick I saw on the ground.

"Ochanya, wait let me explain!" Claudia said, trying to calm me down has tears fell uncontrollably from my eyes.

"You too Claudia! Stay far away from me!" I yelled and she flinched. I hit my hands on the floor feeling very stupid and used. I tried to get on my feet but I couldn't. I've definitely sprained my ankle. I crawled towards the main door as I cried hard, i couldn't control it. As I thought about all I just heard again, I screamed in pain and hit my two hands on the floor.

They tried to calm my down but I didn't give them the chance.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head, I held my head, my vision got blurry, I lost my balance and I fell into the pool beside me.

Ochanya {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now