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"You owe me your life! What do you think?" Alia said sternly and I furrowed my brows and turned to face her.
"You think the thank you word can repay me?" She said and I sighed.

"How do I repay you then?" I said softly.

"I thought you are my friend_" Claudia cuts her off.

"Stop Alia!"

"I'm not stopping cos she can't leave" she told Claudia and faced me back. "Since I did a lot for you in the last two weeks, I can't let you leave, this city is dangerous for a newbie like you and I can't watch you get hurt, if being your friend makes you uncomfortable and you want to leave badly, then we can stop being friends" she said and I tried to explain to her that, that isn't what I meant but she shut me up .

"You owe me your life and before you can leave, you have to repay me!"

"How should I repay you then?" I asked

"You can repay by staying until you are financially stable" She shot at me and I smiled.

"Smart girl, trying to tie me down hun?" I asked and Claudia chuckled.

"I think I'll make it in the movie industry, what do you think?" She asked with a smirk.

"But seriously Alia, what is it about me?" I asked and she smiled.

"I found a friend in you!" She replied and tears spilled from my eyes. I rushed towards her and hugged her tight.

"Thank you Alia, thank you!" I said amidst tears.

Things went back to normal and we spent the weekend the way we do spend it.

On Monday, I was cleaning the house with aunty Bimpe even though she vehemently refused, she claimed Alia will be mad, I still insisted on helping her.

Alia came down the stairs and I smiled at her, I woke up a little late today and she still isn't dressed yet but in her nighties.

"Morning sunshine" I greeted and she answered in a dull tone.

"What's with the expression? Did you fight with someone in your dream?" I asked and she smiled a little and sat on the couch, letting out a heavy sigh.

"Alia what's wrong?" I asked as I sat beside her.

"We broke up!" She simply said.

"You and your boyfriend?" I asked.


"Why? How come?"

"He wants us to get married" she said.

"So what is wrong with getting married?" I asked and she looked up at me.

"I'm twenty-one!" She exclaimed

"Oh, and that's why you are not ready for marriage?" I asked.

"Yes! I'm only 21, I can't rush into marriage yet, he has always loved kids and he's craving for one so that means when we get married I'll have to take in immediately and I'm not ready for that! I've not even graduated from university, cos I'm rich and I have everything doesn't mean I should rush into marriage but he refused to understand" she explained as her voice shook, she's trying her best not to cry and I can see it.

"Don't even try to cry, Alia!" I warned.

"I'm trying not to" she said as her voice shook the more, she's really broken. I pulled her into a hug and patted her back, I felt her tears wet my back, she's crying silently.

"I love him... a lot" she said amidst tears.

"It's okay" I patted her gently.

"I really love him" she wept.

"If you love him that much Alia. Why don't you marry him?"

"I don't want to have a baby yet Ochanya, I'm not fit to be a mother"

"Why?" I asked.

"I have a career to build, the child will be my major distraction and I don't want to abandon my child cos if I do it automatically makes me a terrible mother" she said as she wiped her face.

"Kylie Jenner is the same age as you and she had a baby_ unmarried, if she can have a child unmarried and her business still flourishing, why can't you have a child in matrimony?" I asked calmly.

"If you really love him, making this sacrifice for him shouldn't hurt" I added.

"If he can't wait for me and he has the effrontery to put our relationship to a halt that way, I can't make any sacrifice for him as well" she said and stormed up the stair.

After a few days, she started cheering up and I made sure her mind is always occupied with something else. I don't know the impatient guy that broke her heart and I don't wish to know but I guess it's for the best.

She went to work and I'm the only one at home, Aunty Bimpe went to the market. I stood up to dress up.

"I should find my way around the street, I shouldn't just be idle" I said to myself and went out.

I roamed around the estate, taking in everything, the place is beautiful like the fairytale's kingdom.

I kept walking around, I've been searching for Alia's residence over thirty minutes now and I've only been going in circles.

Wait a sec! I'm not lost, am I?

"Where did the damn house go?" I muttered as I turned around trying to figure out where I am, almost all the houses look the same but I can't find Alia's house anywhere.

Ochanya, you are such a dumb girl!

"I wish I never left home, I don't even have a phone how will I get home now?" I muttered as I pinched myself hard.

"Ouch! That hurts" I muttered.

This estate is like a graveyard, I've been walking for minutes now and I've not seen any living being, I wonder if no one comes out of their houses, at least I'd have asked someone for direction.

After walking for another ten minutes, I came across a big gate and I saw two men in uniform. They must be the securities guarding the estate. I went closer to them.

"Good afternoon Sir" I greeted.

"Afternoon madam" they replied my greeting.

"I'm sorry, I think I'm lost, all the houses look the same and I can't seem to know where I'm going" I said.

"What's your house number madam?" One of them asked.

"Sorry, I just started living here and I don't know what the house number is" I replied awkwardly and they glanced at each other.

"Then it will be a little difficult to help you" one of them said softly.

" I don't know if you know her, I'm staying with Alia Williams" I said hoping they'll know her.

"Oh! You should have said that earlier, everyone knows the Williams here, house number 24, just search for house number 24" he said and I let out a sigh of relieve.

"Thank you so much" I said and turned, since the house has numbers, it will be easier to know where I'm going.

I halted.

When I get back home, I'll just be idle and I'm sick of being idle, I hope I'll be able to find my way outside the estate. I'll just have to try.

I went out of the big gate to the estate and I met with tons of people trying to meet their square root. Everyone seems to be busy and minding their business.

"If I dare move forward from where I am, I'm sure Alia will have to search for me on the radio and I can't let that happen. I turned abruptly and I tried to go into the gate but the security men seem to be talking to a man that I can only see his behind. And they are blocking the entrance.

I have to let them be done so they can pave way for me. I stood there not facing them as I watched the view of people minding their businesses.

"This city seems to be a busy one" I muttered and turned to face them, I really can't wait any longer. But at the same time, the man the securities were talking to turned to leave and our eyes met.

"Leonard?" I called

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