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"I'm getting scared, I hope she's fine, or is she dead, Claudia tell me the truth" I heard a voice as I slowly opened my eyes, I shut it tight when I met with a bright light and I slowly opened it again making it adjust to the bright, I looked around the place I'm in, it's all painted in white and it's classy and that weird smell seems really familiar.

I saw two ladies at the entrance, one of them is wearing a white coat and a stethoscope around her neck, she's dark like me. I can only see the behind of the other lady, she sounds really worried.

"You see, she's awake" the Lady in the white coat said and then the other Lady faced me.


She's the definition of beauty, she's fair and of average weight and height. She's a goddess, she's nicely dressed, she's putting on a very high heeled shoe with a little bit skimpy gown, she must be rich.

"Thank goodness!" She rushed towards me. "Are you okay?" She asked "I almost thought I murdered someone with my car" she said again as she heaved a sigh of relieve.

"Why am I still alive?" I asked softly and they both faced me

"What do you mean young Lady? What's your name?" The Lady in the white coat asked.

"Why did you save me?" I asked as tears gushed down my face.

"Listen, young Lady, whatever the problem is, committing suicide isn't an option, your life is precious" she said but it fell into deaf ears.

"I can't bear Okwo's child, please just inject me with something and let me die" I wailed

"What?" The doctor said with a confused expression. "You are not pregnant" she said catching my attention.

"But... But I threw up and Mama said I was pregnant" I said and they both smiled.

"No, you are not pregnant, you only have a fever and it has really affected your system, even the car didn't hit you, you passed out, out of shock but you are fine now" she said and I cried the more, now my family thinks that I'm pregnant. I can't go back home, I can no longer bear my father's hatred towards me.

"Hey, are you okay?" The doctor asked and nodded. "What's your name?" She asked

"Ochanya" I replied

"Och_" they tried to call it after me.

"You can call me Rita " I said and they smiled.

"I'm Alia Williams and I'm sorry I almost hit you with my car, I kept honking but you didn't heed to it" the fair one introduced and I smiled at her.

"I'm Claudia, Doctor Claudia Williams" the doctor introduced.

"You didn't try to hit me, I tried to get myself killed" I said as I chuckled.

"But why would you do that?" Alia asked and I couldn't reply.

"It's fine, where do you live? So I can take you home" Alia said.

"No please! I can't go home, please don't take me home!" I cried.

"It's okay, it's okay, we won't take you home, where do you want to go?" She asked.

"Far... Far away from everything" I replied dejectedly.

"Do you have anywhere in mind?" Alia asked and I shook my head as I cried silently.

They both walked away to the entrance as they whispered to each other.

"It's risky, you don't even know her" the doctor said.

"I know but I have to help her, what if her life is in danger here? You heard what she said, that she'd rather die than bear a certain man's child, what if she's in a situation that's eating her up?" Alia said.

Ochanya {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now