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The man choose me to be the model for Alia's products Ads.

"I'm not a model sir" I said impatiently.

"Errrm sir, ochanya is my friend and she's not a model, she has no experience" Alia said.

"She has to start from somewhere to have the experience, she has the potentials and the perfect look for this product" The man said with a smile as the models rumbled.

"Okay sir, whatever you say" Alia said winking at me. I kept shaking my head in disapproval but no one seem to see it.

"Don't disappoint me dear" the man said to me and left.

"I'm sorry ladies, if you're needed you'll be called, you can leave now" Alia said to the heartbroken models. That was their one chance to be a celebrity, any model who makes it to Alia cosmetics billboard is automatically a celebrity.

"Fiona! Wait! "Alia called, the best model of her company.

"you'll be assisting ochanya so we have a lot of work to do, so are you staying or I should call someone else?" Alia asked.

"No ma'am, I'd love to stay" she said gleefully.

"what are you saying Alia, I have no experience, I don't even understand what the fuck is going on right now, I really don't want to ruin this for you" I said.

"you can do it ochanya, I trust you" Alia said with a smile.

Through out the night, I wasn't allowed to sleep, Fiona was told to put me through so I won't be a complete fool in front of the international photographers coming for the shoots tomorrow.

At dawn, Alia suggested I sleep before the shoot starts by 12noon.

She drove me home and I slept as soon as my butt touched my bed.

I felt someone touch me and I opened my eyes and saw Alia.

"Sorry to disturb you but the shoot starts in an hour" Alia said

"what? I just slept and here you are telling me I've slept for five hours already"

"It's actually six hours, you've been asleep for six hours" Alia said

"Oh my God! Alia do I really have to do this?" I asked

"if you don't, it's not like you have any choice"She replied and I wailed and I screamed inside.

"wow, that's an inaudible scream" Alia mumbled.

"shut up Alia!" I said as I groaned and she giggled.

As we got ready to go for the shoot, I noticed that Alia is paying more attention to how she looks.

"ochanya, the black gown or the blue gown" She asked.

"When did you start caring about what you wear?"

"Nothing" she replied sharply. "I just feel today is a good day"

"Alia! Spill!" I said looking at her sternly and she sighed.

"Leo is gonna be there" she said.

"Your ex? I've always known that you still love him but this ego you both have will only ruin what both of you always had, is he married now since he want kids badly?" I asked.

"Last time I checked, he isn't married but his little sister in America gave birth recently so he has been travelling a lot and he's showing off the baby on instagram that I wish the baby was mine" she replied

"Oh really? And when was this last time you checked?" I asked again

"Last night?" she replied with a very funny expression.

"That's funny, Anyways just hurry up so we can be on our way" I said.

We made it to the studio on time and they got me ready.

We started the shoot, I noticed Alia looking around, probably looking for Leo her ex-boyfriend.

After the end of the shoot, from the look on Alia's face, I can sense that the guy didn't show up. I moved closer to her and patted her back with a smile, she nodded and smiled back.

Sometimes we prefer to communicate that way to feel better.

In few days, the ads were out, my picture is seen everywhere around Nigeria. The video ads on TV. It was then I realized, what if my parent sees me on TV or newspaper. I sprang up to meet Claudia and Alia downstairs.

"Claudia! The ads are on TV! newspaper! everywhere! " I said as I tried to catch my breath.

"Yes! Yes dummy, the ads are suppose to be everywhere" Alia replied sarcastically.

"Has it not occurred to you I have parents searching for the daughter they drove away?" I said as I gave her a look that states "you are stupid!"

"oh! My! God! " they exclaimed

"They will find me here! They'll come to Alia's company to look for me and they'll know I live here"

"Okay Ochanya, stop freaking out" Claudia said

"I can't help but freak out, I can't face them yet, I can't!" I half yelled.

"What are we gonna do?" Claudia said and faced Alia who was rubbing her chin. "Tell me you got an idea Alia, else I'll skin you alive."

"Look guys, I don't think we have any trouble, look at those pictures and videos, she looks different than she looked four years ago, apart from the fact that the make up can't make them recognise her, I don't think they'll ever expect to find her in such a high place like this, even if they come here, we'll deny we know you exist, I'll warn my staffs as well, so problem solved and you're welcome " Alia said

"I didn't say thank you" I said with a glare.

"you will" She replied with a smirk and Claudia laughed.

"so just put your mind at rest ochanya, be rest assured we won't let them find you if you don't want them to, the question now is when will you be ready to face your family? Ochanya, you need to forgive your father and let go of the past, the more you hold on to it, the more you get hurt" Claudia advised.

"I'm not holding unto my past, in fact I _" Alia cut me off.

"you are! Ochanya you are! You've never had a boyfriend since I knew you, what happened? And what about that last night in Dubai, during the bonfire, you went berserk when Tobi kissed you, you suddenly looked like you are in a trance filled with pain, what's wrong with you? You were raped in the past which is what led you here doesn't mean every other man will want to take advantage of you!" Alia yelled.

I can't blame her, whenever she's worried sick about me, she doesn't know how to be calm.

"Alia's right, what happened to you in the past is holding you from moving forward, get on with your life, have a boyfriend, have sex, even one night stands, get on with your life ochanya!" Claudia advised.

"ochanya, you know what i think? You like Tobi, but Tobi being a cocky bastard and you being scared of getting hurt again, made you put on a cover of hate" Alia said

"I don't like Tobi!"I defended.

"C'mon I see the way you look at him ochanya, we all do! Stop lying to yourself"

As I raised my head to look at them, tears fell uncontrollably from my lids, I tried to say something but my words were chocking me. Alia sat beside me and patted my back with a smile, I nodded with a smile and hugged her.

Ochanya {Completed}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ