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It's been two weeks since Claudia gave birth and I've been living with Claudia after she had a fight with Alia cos of me. I just wonder why Alia won't give me a listening ear.

Alia is suppose to be here watching after her sister that just gave birth. But she won't even see her sister because Claudia defended me.

She only showed up during Mirabel's christening and it was brief. She came with Tobi. Apparently, Tobi and Alia are more closer than before. They both attend events and meetings together. I knew because Alia has been flooding her instagram page with pictures of them.

Anytime I see a pictures of them, a pang of jealousy always strike me and I can't help but wonder if they are dating now.

Tobi tried to have a conversation with me during the christening but I avoided him. I wonder what he wants to say. He probably wants to talk about him loving Alia and he doesn't want me. He wants to talk about my past that Alia spat out emotionlessly.

It's better he just goes ahead and date her. I just don't want to hear him reject me. So I ignored his calls and whenever he comes to visit Claudia. I sneak out through the back door. It sounds childish but I know how my heart feels. I know what he'd say if I ever give him the chance to talk about this.

He clearly supports Alia and thinks I'm having an affair with Leonard and this is a perfect opportunity for him to get closer to Alia or maybe he's not taking sides, his hands are just tied.

As I thought about him again, my heart ached and I longed for him, I miss him and I just wish he could feel the same way for me.

I cried silently as I thought about Alia. I thought about how my best friend made me her enemy. All my effort to reach Leonard so he could clear the misunderstanding proved abortive, Claudia and I went to his studio a week ago and we were informed he's out of the country for an urgent business. I just can't wait for him to be back so he could tell Alia that he lied about us being together.

I still wonder why he'd say something like that.

My phone rang again, it's Tobi calling again. He must be super desperate to make me understand not to get my hopes high.

I got a text and I opened it.

I have absolutely no idea of why I'm included in this mess. You've bluntly shut me out and won't speak to me and i wonder why. You've left me wondering if I'm being ignored cos of the night at the pool or because of you and Alia's issue. Just talk to me once.
I miss you!


I read the text over and over again.He thinks I'm mad at him. I won't deny that the text got my hopes up. Maybe a little part of him feels something for me and I'm just being paranoid or maybe he just misses me as a friend. That thought shattered my little hope again. I can feel my heart bleeding.

It's time I get this done with, whatever he'd say can't make my heart bleed that it's already bleeding.

I took my phone and dialled his number. At the same time I heard a knock on my door.

"Not now Claudia, I know you are here to talk about giving Tobi a chance to give me a piece of his mind, so worry not cos I'm calling him to hear him out, so just go take care of Mirabel till I'm done" I trailed off as my Voice shook in between.

I heard a phone ring on the other side of the door as I dialed Tobi's number.

"That's... That's Tobi's ringtone" I mumbled as I rushed towards the door and opened it. And there is Tobi standing in front of my door with his phone ringing in his hand.

"your chance of listening to me on the phone expired so now you have to look at me and listen to me" he said coldly and walked into my room as his shoulder slightly greased mine. I slowly shut the door and turned. I saw him pacing my room with his hands in his hoodie.

"Tobi... I_" I tried to say but he cut me off.

"Please don't say anything Ochanya, just don't!" he said coldly so i kept quiet and wiped the tears forming beneath my eyes before folding my arms.

There was an awkward silence in the room for a few minutes as he paced continuously.

"What is it Tobi?" I asked.

"Honestly, i don't fucking know and just you can tell me what the hell I did wrong!" he said aggressively as he walked towards me and stopped after pinning me to the wall.

"I have no idea of what you're talking about" I said defensively.

"Oh no dammit! You don't fucking lie to me ochanya! Why the hell did you shut me out like I'm nobody?" he asked with his eyes fixed on mine.

"what should I have done? Why should I even listen to you, you shouldn't be here anyways" I said and tried to set myself free from his grip but failed.

"So where should I be? Where should I be ochanya?" he said as he shook me violently.

"I don't know, maybe you should be with Alia, I don't know and I don't care" I replied as I fought harder to free myself from his grip.

"And why should I be with Alia?" he yelled

"Because you're in-love with her and the stupid me blindly in-love with you have to deal with it" I yelled back. He freed me and took a step backward as we both stayed silent to catch our breath.

"Can... Can you please say that again?" he said calmly.

"So you can reject me to my face?" I asked and he sighed. He stared at me for a while before he stood akimbo as he rubbed his forehead with his other hand.

"If that's the case, let me remind you we were never together so you really don't need to say anything" I said and I turned away, looking at him just wants me to pounce on me and kiss the hell out of him.

"I don't love Alia_ not anymore and I'm sure of that Ochanya, I'm in love with another woman" he said and I can hear my heart break into pieces. He's probably talking about the pretty model that worked with him at the beach shoot few weeks ago.

"Bravo Tobi... You were in love with Alia for four years and now you love another woman, why are you telling me about it then? You should be with the woman you're in love with, not here, just go! Get the hell out Tobi!" I yelled as I could feel my tears choke me.

I don't know how this happened. The thought of him never ever getting to hold my hands while he tells me how much he loves me hurts like hell.

"I'm here, I'm at the right place, I don't know why I denied myself of how I feel all this while but my heart can't take it anymore, I love you_ I love you Ochanya" he said and I slowly turned to face him, my heart raced faster than normal, I was expecting him to say a different thing but he confessed his love for me instead. He moved closer and took my face in his hands as he slowly kissed me.

I kissed him back like my life depends on it. I don't know what's happening, he just professed his love for me. 'He loves me! He loves me!' kept echoing in my head. I felt alive again. As we kissed, I felt the need for more, he slightly pushed me against the wall and kissed my neck down my chest as he unbuttoned my shirt exposing my bare boobs, I've been indoor all day so I wasn't wearing a bra. He carried me and gently laid me on the bed. I helped him take off his clothes too as he kissed me all over. I was left in my black thong. He kissed my lips again as he fondled my boobs, I couldn't take it anymore. I needed him inside me.

"Tobi..." I said amidst moans and he understood me. He took off my thong, flings it somewhere across the room and he started with a gentle thrusts, but he got faster each time I moan his name.

I felt like I was in paradise as we made love until we reached our climax.

Ochanya {Completed}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن