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I  opened my eyes but the bright light attacked it so I shut it fast and opened them slowly and it adjusted to the brightness of the room. I looked around me and realised that I'm in the hospital. I sighed and tried to sit up.

“you are awake” I heard Alia's voice and I saw her standing by the door frame.

“yes Alia, what happened?” I asked

“You passed out and fell into the pool” she replied me and I remembered everything that happened including Claudia and Tobi's chat. I sighed and smiled.

“Right! I got played again” I said.

“Don't say that ochanya, whatever you heard is half of the story” Alia said and I stared at her in disbelief.

“Wait a minute, you knew about Tobi's undying feelings for you and you still led me on and made me believe I have a chance with him?” I asked raising my voice a little. She tried to say something but stopped and sighed.

“Ochanya, I'm sorry! Look I knew Tobi has always loved me, I'm not blind to all his love advances I just decided to ignore them, the only man I love is Leonard and I know if Tobi eventually decides to admit his feelings for me and I turn him down, our friendship won't be the same anymore and I can't let that happen so_” she trailed off

I cut in. “So you decided to push my feelings to him instead to save yourself?”

“That's not how it is Ochanya” She said sharply.

“You should know better that I hate being used Alia! You just tried to force me on a man that only has feelings for you!” I yelled and I calmed.

“I should have known, no one has ever loved me genuinely, no man has ever considered what I want, all the men I've encountered since I got to Lagos only make advances just to get close to you! Only you! It's always all about you!” I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.

“You can't blame me for that ochanya” she said with a shaky voice, I can feel she's about to break down as well.

“I don't blame you, I blame myself, loving Tobi of all men in the world is the most stupid mistake I've ever made” I said and she took my hands.

“listen Ochanya, I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I knew Tobi loved me but when you got in the picture, things changed, I saw the way he looked at you, I knew there was a spark between you two, i only used that as an opportunity to bring you both together, not for my own gain, you deserve happiness Ochanya, I will never do anything to hurt you cos you are my sister too” she said calmly and I believed her, I don't know why but I believed her. I nodded and she hugged me.

I got discharged and we went back home. My leg still hurts but I insisted on walking on my own. When I got to my room, I saw Claudia standing beside my nightstand and holding her ears with an apologetic look on her face.

“what is it Claudia?” I asked

“I just need you to give me a chance to explain what really happened” she said.

“I know what really happened Claudia, you hid the fact that Tobi loves your sister and not me from me, despite that you kept encouraging me to keep loving Tobi even though there's no hope for me” I said as I sat on my bed.

“Tobi is_” I cut her off.

“I don't want to hear that name” I said sharply.

“okay, the thing is I knew he loved Alia and he tried to use you to get closer to Alia but that changed after you spent more time with him, look I can't really speak for him so I'll speak for myself, Alia and I hoped Tobi is the man for you, we wanted it to happen, he's a great guy that adores women, so I was only talking to him last night not to hurt you in anyway or I'll stop him from seeing any of you, that's all” she said.

“Why will Tobi try to use me to get Alia? He led me on and made me think he likes me, he kissed me that bonfire night! That's the first real kiss I ever got, he kissed me in my room here last week and left without a word! Am I just a pawn to men?” I asked Claudia.

“Do you want to hear the truth?” Claudia asked.

“You need to talk to Tobi, he has all the answers you want Ochanya” she said as she tucked me in my bed.  “I'll get you some food, relax” She said and walked out of my room. I'm suppose to see Leonard today but I can't cos of my leg.

I took my phone and texted Leonard.

I'm sorry, I sprained my ankle and I've been restricted from making any movement I'll see you by weekend instead.

Alia and Claudia both came in with a tray.

“please eat so you can take your drugs” Alia said sitting beside me.

“Guys, it's fine, I'm not mad at you guys, at least not anymore, you guys are my family and I love you so much” I said calmly and they hugged me as they smiled.

Ochanya {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now