Happy Ending

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It was Friday.

This was the day BTS was going to die.

I had to make Suho proud.

"You know what to do right?" He asked me, his hand resting on my shoulder.

"Of course." I chimed, showing a large smile which he gladly returned.

"Get ready." He ordered and I rushed off to the bathroom, gathering my clothes and having a shower.

I scrubbed my body, ignoring the aching sores I had, I hummed a small song before finishing off.

Suddenly I hear loud screams and doors being broken, I quickly put on my clothes and grabbed the gun hidden in the bathroom cabinet.

I observed the room, seeing that Suho had already left, I wonder if he was hurt, I have to help him!

I leave and run through the hallway, breathing rapidly as I tried to find my master. Surprisingly I bang into Taehyung, his hard chest making me fall onto the ground.

I lifted my gun weakly, aiming it at him and he frowns.

"Don't shoot me, you know me." 

"You hurt me." My voice trembles, and my hand becomes unsteady.

"Y/n, we missed you." He smiles softly and tears well up in my eyes.

"I-I missed you to-" I get interrupted by a loud bang, realizing someone had just shot my shoulder, I looked to the side, blood spraying everywhere from my arm.

"NO!" Taehyung screams.

"You fucking asshole!" He yells at him, taking out his own pistol and beginning to have a stand-off with..Kai?

Kai shot me?

I slowly move around the corner, so that Taehyung didn't have to worry about me, I still had to find the person who loved me. Suho.

I grab my wound, feeling warm blood all over my hands, I panic and tears fly down.

Yoongi runs to me abruptly, gathering me in his arms.

I struggle to breath but he holds me reassuringly.

"Don't worry Y/n, you're going to be fine. You're our family." He displays a gummy smile I can't help but coo at it.

"T-Thank you." I stutter and he cuddles me, I won't forget what you did for me BTS.

Thank you so much for coming back for me.

~ 2 Years Later ~

"Y/nnie give me back my banana milk~!" Jungkook pouts, reaching his arms out.

"No, you broke my new phone you asshole!" I furrow my eyebrows, threatening to spill his banana milk all over his new bedroom carpet.

"Aren't they cute?" Jimin giggled, Jungkook launches onto me, us both falling onto the floor with a loud thud.

"Arch you cu-" His lips connect with mine, and my hand slowly loses grip of his milk as he deepens the kiss.

He leaves my mouth and smirks, "My milk!" 

I laugh with him and smile, me and Jungkook were officially together, and BTS had welcomed me with as one of them. 

Hoseok had been teaching me how to hack into computers to help them but I was still useless at it, Jungkook motivated me all the time though. 

Taehyung started teaching me how to shoot guns and he didn't lie when he said I was going to be freaked out when I started using bigger ones.

Jin teached me how to make his special dishes so he would have a break of cooking for his members, and damn they were delicious.

Jimin helped me throughout this, reassuring me if I felt scared of had flashbacks of EXO beating me up for disobeying which I was grateful for.

Yoongi taught me combat, explaining which knifes were best to use and how to properly use them, I quickly understood him which he thanked me for. He didn't like people mucking around.

Namjoon had welcomed me with open arms, into his family, and treated me like I was his sister, he protected me no matter what, and always broke my stuff, but I didn't care.

And Jungkook.

Jungkook won me back, he tried everything for me to just forgive him, and I finally did, he promised to never treat me like that ever again. And he hasn't, and I believe he won't.

I'm apart of BTS forever.

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