Knocked (5)

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This must of been the third of fourth time I've been knocked out is my first thought as I wake up on a blood red bed that looked brand new.

"Ahh...Y/N, you're awake." Jin smiled at me and reached his hand out for me to take, isn't he the fucker that whipped me? Psh.

I rudely ignore his hand and go to walk past him but he slams me against the wall and stares into my eyes, "You're special aren't you? Why aren't you as naive as the other girls?" He asked, trailing a finger down my cheek.

"Because I'm not the 'other' girls." I reply, reflecting the same cold stare I was receiving from him.

He holds my arm tightly, making sure to leave another bruise on my wrist and brings me to the table where Namjoon slammed my head on.

"Come sit by me Y/N." Jungkook smirked and licked his lips at my body, then I only realized I was wearing maroon shorts that cut off mid thigh and a cropped jersey. What do they think I am, a slut?

"Fine.." There wasn't anywhere else to sit anyway so I take a seat by Jungkook as he holds my thigh, rubbing it slowly with his firm hands.

"I made us all pancakes and for our new guest, I added special syrup!" Jin exclaimed, smiling at me as if I was naive.

Naive my ass.

"What the fuck's in the 'special syrup' huh? Sleeping meds? Cocaine? Shit, I could deal with some of that right n-"


Suga who was on the other side of me slapped me, and it wasn't just a soft slap it was hard as I held it and glared at him.

"You eat it, I made it for you, you eat it." Jin remarked, sending daggers with his eyes.

I looked at my food very closely, there was a mix of smashed up pills in there. Blue, yellow, red, white, they looked like chalk powder but they were all hidden throughout my pancakes.

"I'm not hungry."

Jimin slams his fist in the table and Jungkook raises his hand to my panties, how was I supposed to react?

"You eat the food we give you you spoiled bitch!" Jimin yells, smashing his plate on the floor to make a point.

I look at Jin then the pancakes, Jin then the pancakes.

"Look I'm not fucking dumb obviously there are some good pills that you have smashed in my food, I'm not eating your poisoned shit."


"You disobeyed, you talked back kitten. Those are two rules you haven't listened to, two fucking rules. Do you know how big of a punishment you're going to get now?" Namjoon asked as Jungkook slid a finger into my womanhood.

"Not the fucking time." I whispered to Jungkook but unfortunately Namjoon heard it as well.

"What did you just say? That's it, Taehyung take her to the room and we're double the cruel punishment."

"It wasn't to you you dickhead!" I scream at Namjoon but he only twists my arm as I yelp in pain, the bruises haven't even healed yet! This was going to hurt like hell!

My wrists get tied again and I get hung, I wanted to cry so badly.

"Why can't you just listen huh?" Jungkook asks, bringing scissors closely to my arm and snipping it slowly.

He breaths on my neck as he snips three more times, my breathing becoming heavy from the pain. At least it didn't hurt as much as the whipping.

Jimin came close to me and kissed me, cutting into my skin with a knife, I could feel the blood trickle down my arm.

I clenched my eyes shut as Jin came towards me and held his serrated blade in his hand, cutting my legs.

I couldn't help it and a tear rolled down my cheek, they all laughed.

"Wow, she lasted longer than the other hoes."

"She finally cried, that took ages."

I inhaled and stared at them right in the eyes, I'm not going to talk until it's over.

"Don't make this mistake again." Namjoon snarled, cutting the rope and choking me until I had one breath left, I fell to the floor with a pool of blood.

It's okay, I'll do what I did last time.

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