Apology (22)

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I scream as he kicks me again, struggling to breath. I swear to god, when I'm in control I'd have no mercy on his abusing ass.
"How does that feel?" He chuckles, sweat beading off his forehead.
"Fucking awesome." I answer sarcastically, he bites his lips and looks at me devastated.
"You dont have the right to be moody, you just fucked everything up." He glares at me and I scoff, clutching my poor stomach.

"Oh, I'm sorry? Maybe if you told me, I wouldnt have killed the useless fuck!" The words uncontrollably flee out of my mouth causing him to be even more angered.

"Shut up, you know nothing about this mafia life, you never will. We're not that thick in the head to go telling our victim how, where, and when we are going to-" He runs his temples frustratingly and deeply exhales.

My vision starts to blur as I begin coughing, oh shit, it was time! It was time for me to leave, hallelujah!

"I'm sorry..." Taehyung, I'm pretty sure mumbles but not like I could give any fucks.

Heaven here I come!


Taehyung's POV

She passes out and I know for sure she wouldnt die, bitch probably thought she would. Stupid.

I exit the room and the others are still pissed off like me, I mean how are you going to kill our biggest rival yet?

"What are we going to do with the dumb bitch?" I ask, sharing a confused look.

"I reckon we excute her." Jin claims, I bite my lip. We should.

I see jungkook rub the back of his neck and laugh, trust this cunt to love a physco who ruined everything.

"Jungkook, why dont you be the one to do it?" Namjoon asks, he furrows his eyebrows then smiles, nodding.

I step forward to face him properly.

"In front of all of us."

He widens his eyes, hah got you.

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