Alive (11)

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My eyes opened and I was expecting to see a lovely white scenery that shined in glory, but no.

I was still in this shithole.

I groan dramatically and unconsciously stare out the window, then I notice a figure not so far away. I furrow my eyebrows and stand up, walking towards the window seal to have a closer look, I saw him for a solid 10 seconds before he ran away quickly.

Do I have a stalker?

Not again.

Leaving my room, I scam the current one for one of the men who kidnapped me, "Jimin." I coldly greet as he snaps his head with a small smile plastered on his face.


"I saw someone outside my window, staring at me."

"Y/N, no one knows where we are so the possibilities of someone staring or stalking you are low, very low." He explains and I shake my head disapprovingly.

"I saw someone."

"Y/N, don't make me repeat myself."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms as I stare at him with dark eyes, raising my voice a bit louder.

"Fine then, if I go missing one day don't say I didn't tell you."

He chuckles and I angrily grunt, I mean I'm not expecting 10 star assistance from my kidnappers but knowing that they haven't already killed me creates a happier mood for me. It must mean I'm valuable for at least something, right? So why not listen to me?

I walk into the kitchen to get myself a drink and as I lift my head, the same figure was staring at me through the window, I just stared at it back.

Come get me, I don't care.

The figure remained still and so did I, not daring to look away or even blink. I was determined to prove a point and if being kidnapped again was it, so be it.

He was gone, he went backwards into the foggy clouds and disappeared.

I smirked, and gulped down the banana milk that was left on the bench unattended.

Finishing it, I throw it in the bin and leave to go to my room before my wrist was held tightly and I nearly winced at the roughness.

"Did you drink my milk?" Jungkook asked, furrowing his eyebrows as I uncontrollably let out a small giggle.

"Afraid I'm too old for that sorry." I sarcastically remarked attempted to walk away again the same strong gripped returned to my bruised wrist.

"You know what I'm talking about, that banana milk. It was mine. Everyone knows it was mine."

"Oh my apologies miss, do you own the whole company too? Sure sounds like it." I cheekily insulted which caused a loud smack to echo throughout the living room. Wow, getting angry about some milk are we?

"Look there won't be a next time I drink your banana milk, I don't think there will be a next time you'll see me either." With that, I freely escaped his hold and entered my room, combing my hair with my hand.

I groan as a hand knocks on my window, but then excitement endures me and I glance at the window only to see the same person who was stalking me. I smile widely and show him a thumbs-up and opened the window for it, "Come on in!" I whisper and I suddenly get pulled out the window.

"That was a bit rough, don't ya think?" I questioned him but he ignored me and carries me to a white van.

"Pedo car much?"

"Oh where we going?"

"Could we stop at McD's I'm kind of hungry!"

"JUST SHUT UP!" The driver yells and I giggle loudly, these guys were getting pissed off and I enjoyed it.

"Do you know BTS?" One of them asked, I shrugged.

"Well...I'm sure we've all heard of them somewhat." I laugh and they slap me hard across the cheek causing me to smirk and they all stare at me weirdly.

"Is she crazy?"

"She is, jeez I'm getting creeped out just by looking at."

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and the car comes to a stop.

"Drop her out, we don't need her." The brunette claims and he earns weird stares but no one debates.

I get thrown out as I flip them off with a cheeky grin, they sped off and I hysterically laugh, maybe I was going crazy but who cares? You only live once so yolo.

~ Jimin's POV ~

"Where's this crazy bitch now? It's been an hour." I mumble under my breath and open her door leading to her bedroom and notice the window open.

"For fuck sakes, did EXO take her?!" I yell in anger as the others come in the living room, seeing right through me.

"Where is she?" Namjoon asked and I avoided eye contact with him visibly, "She either got kidnapped or she jumped out the window.."

"Fucking hell Jimin! Weren't you watching her?" He screamed and I hung my head low but of course Jungkook piped up.

"Oh, yeah she did tell me after she drank my banana milk I wouldn't see her again but I thought it was just hormones." He admitted and everyone, including me looked at him as if he was dumb.

"I know EXO, they wouldn't take her because she pisses people off too much and they probably left her in the dust or something." Hoseok explained and I sighed, "Well where is she going to b-"


"Yoongi that better not be one of your hoes again." I muttered and went to go open the door, suprisingly Y/N was in front of me and I pulled her into the house quickly.

"Where the fuck were you?" Jin questioned and she raised an eyebrow, suppressing a giggle.

"Y'know just taking a stroll outside, smoke break." She answered and I tightened my grip on her petite wrist harshly.

She whimpered slightly which caused a smirk to plaster on my face evilly.

"Did you perhaps, break a rule? Escaping?" I suggested and she frowns.

"No, I told you that I was getting st-"

"Hush hush hush, I think you deserve a punishment for your disrespectful act." I interrupt and she glares at me deadly.

"Whatever you dumbo, you know the truth you're just doing this to piss me off you fucking idiot." She spits at me and I dig my fingernails into her wrist with no mercy.

She closes her eyes and exhales, I could sense her anger but that built my ego even more. I wanted to break her until she was torn, make her drop this confidence she had made and turn her into the others, petite naive and oblivious.

"Yoongi, put her in the room." Namjoon commands and she licks her lips, waiting for Suga to collect her like an obedient puppy.

He pulls her and she turns around, lifting her middle finger directly towards me and mouthing the words 'Fuck you cunt'.

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