Afraid (33)

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I gulp nervously, and hold back the urge to cry again.

Yes, I was turning into a crying pussy.

"W-why?" I breath out, why would they want me out of the billions of woman on this earth.

"I don't know." Namjoon licked his lips, obviously thinking hard about a plan.

"Well...a-are you gonna" I ask, becoming more afraid of their answer.

Hoseok scratches his neck and looks down, avoiding my eyes, so do the others.

"Wow." I utter in amazement, I knew I didn't mean anything to them, even if I followed the rules, the outcome would still be the same.

"I'll figure something out. Don't sweat it." Jin announces.

I nod my head to that, as the others look at me with a sad smile.

"Just..go a-away.." I murmur faintly, trying to process all this new news. I had already been bruised up by someone who so called 'loved me', now I have to be given to a more heartless mafia gang in order to save Jungkook, how the hell does that work?

My head aches when they leave so I close my eyes, attempting to fall asleep again.



"Where the fuck am I?" I ask, trying to move my hands but they were wrapped around a chair with rope, so were my feet.

"Jungkook, jungkook, jungkook." A voice greets, making his way in front of me slowly.

"Your group has something I want." The man smiles, leaning closer towards me.

"And what would that be?" I tilt my head.

"Y/n." His smile grows wider, a tint of craziness in his eyes.

"You're not getting her." I share a deadly glare with him.

He jabs me in the stomach and I bite my lip in anger, I brawl against the rope but it does no justice for me.

"Oh we're going to get her, and you're going to watch her last couple of seconds." He cackles and I grow more frustrated by the second.

"You're not hurting her, my group will stop you and when we're done, I'll torture you." I threat with a serious look on my face.

"Your group? Your group seemed to be very keen on giving her over to us." He grins wider.

"W-what? What are you talking about?" My mouth forms into a small frown.

"Your group." He pushes me harshly.

"Is giving her to us tonight." He laughs and I become scared for her.

These assholes aren't getting the love of my life no matter what.

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