Funky (10)

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Should I overdose?

Might be the only way to escape huh?

I nod my head and swallow the rest of the pills in the bottle but frown when I only notice 4 were left, I needed more.

I felt euphoric all of a sudden and noticed my bruises on my stomach started to fade, what? Is this how they got rid of my cuts?

Leaving the bathroom I encounter the boys talking, I started to zoom out as I overheard their conversation.

"How much do you think she's worth?" It sounded like Namjoon's voice?

"I don't know but she's a clever one." Yoongi?

"She is too, I mean who the fuck looks at their food before they eat it? Just eat the damn food for god sake!" I'm sure it was Jin.

Someone signs which I think was Taehyung and states "The bounty's 2M, tell the buyer and we'll create a pla-"

I accidentally trip over and my eyes start seeing green things, I squint them to try and see clearly but it only effects my vision even more.

"This bitch was eavesdropping!" Taehyung growled and yanked my hair so I stood up which I did but then immediately plummeted on the ground with my weak legs.

"What the hell is up with her??" Hoseok becomes curious as he holds my figure by my shoulders and looks into my eyes.

"Look into my eyes and tell me wHat It is yOU sEE, can yOu teLL ME whAT YoU sEE?" I start singing and lie down on the floor, the boys suspiciously staring at me.

"KeeP SmOkInG, i'm the wWeeD MaN, i'm tHE WeEd mAn, KeeP On CHoKiNG iM The WeEd MaN YEah bOI wEAr cORDuRoY~"

"Hoseok I told you to hide those fucking pills you dumb cunt!" Yoongi yelled and Hoseok flinched, scared.

"Sorry I- Um..yeah I forgot, how many did she take?"

"I ToOK aLOT!" I giggled and burped in Taehyung's face.

"Oh shit...I forgot to tell you guys. I mixed the meth pills with the healing ones cause there was no more bottles.." Explained Hoseok.

"FOR FUCK SAKES! SHE'S IN NO CONDITION TO BE PERFORMING NOW!" Jungkook shouted and I stared at him weirdly, performing?

Performing for my...buyer?


Hoseok clenched his fists making them turn white before he could control him self, he uppercut me in the jaw and I pass out in an instant.

"Awesome work Hobi! Now not only is she tripping out, she'll have a bruise and cut on her chin and we can't fucking heal it cause your DUMB ASS DIDN'T HIDE THE DAMN PILLS!" Yoongi screamed and everyone started yelling at each other.


Heaven here I come.

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