Adjust (3)

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I woke up the next morning in new clothes, and a new bed, I furrow my eyebrows and exited the room loudly. "Who the fuck changed me?" I yelled, anger infuriating in my tone.

"Shut the fuck up." Namjoon shouted, banging his shoulder into mine.

"Why did you kidnap me?" I ask bluntly, taking a seat on their couch.

"Why do you think? Think about your dad. Hm, you know him? The fucking captain of the most successful company in Seoul." He said, jealously toned in his voice visibly.

"Oh yes, what about him?"

"You're his daughter, we want revenge. We'll just use you against him as bait." He explained thoroughly as I nodded.

" want me to act in your plans for someone who didn't do anything to you?"

"Um no. He's trying to get rid of us, we're the mafia Y/N. Or did you not know that?" He laughed, mocking at how I was so naive to not know the fact that they were apart of a gang everyone feared.

"So he should, hope he destroys your little gang." I muttered as I felt a punch.

He punched my nose.

It was bleeding.

"Can't you handle insults?" I chuckle, walking towards the table for a napkin but my head gets slammed into the dining table.

"You are getting a punishment now baby girl." He whispers.

"Suga, come collect her."


I feel the harsh grip on my wrists, as I let out a whimper which causes him to smirk. "You need to stop being so disrespectful or I'll make sure you don't walk. Ever."

"Fucking do it then coward." I challenge him, keeping the fact that Jimin said Namjoon hadn't allowed it.

"You- You know what? Bend over then." He commands which I easily do, mentally crossing my fingers.

It wasn't long before I felt his hand come in contact with my bottom.







He grabbed my hair and threw in onto a table which made me black out and blood trickled down my cheek continuously.

Cruel | BTS Kidnapped FF ✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن