Abuse (25)

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A/N: I need to start writing bigger chapters but I'll let you all know I have changed devices as my computer is broken, now I write on my phone! Also thank you all so much for 10k view, I am so grateful! This wants me want to write more so thank you guys so much, stay safe honey buns. 💜

Jungkooks eyes widened in shock but he didn't second think to kiss me back, holding my cheek passionately.

The next thing I knew, I was underneath him on the floor, I stared at his swollen lips and kissed him again. Unexpectedly he pushed me back, smiling softly, "Y/n..you need to watch out, they've all changed. I'm going to soon as well..." He admitted truthfully, as I was confused.

"What do you mean change?" I ask, licking my lips.

"We all snap after something bad happens. It's in our blood." Jungkook frowns slightly, oh shit.

"What the fuck?" I shout, not believing what I was hearing. What were they, some type of triggered animal now? This is just unbelievable.

"Please y/n...whatever I do or say I dont mean it, you have to make us snap back somehow.. "

Wow, this boy really thought I loved him back, how sad.

"And how am I going to do that? Click my fingers and then you all jump in happiness?" I scoff and cross my arms, now sitting up right.

"Its time. I'm so sorry." He excuses himself and leaves my room, entering the hallway with the others.

I sit there extremely confused and concerned, what the hell was I just told? Is this a joke?

I decide to leave my room and face instant regret, smoke was flying everywhere and it smelt like cigarettes, I could see bottles of alcohol on the table.

Fuck, they were drunk. I needed to leave before they hurt me again.

I turn my back quickly, ready to sprint to my room until someone roughly grabs my shoulder.

"Oh looky, who do we have here?" Namjoon snickers, grabbing me by my shirt and pulling me in front of him as he pushed me forward.

"Hey! It's the bitch that killed her dad!" Jimin laughs, but I could see the anger in his eyes.

Fuck I was screwed now..

Taehyung laughed hysterically with Jimin, making his hands into two fists to imitate me.

"What a..." Hoseok begins, as he slaps me hard.

"Useless." He slaps me again, now with more power.

"Whore." This time he punched me with no remorse, tears now threatening to fall but I wiped them back.

"Fuck you Hoseok, you drug addict." I yelled proudly, acknowleding that at least I got my word into his fried brain.

Suga felt no shame in punching me as well, knocking the air our of my lungs quickly. I clutched it, the smoke from the cigarettes entering my nose.

"This is what you get for talking back to my boyfriend." My mother said, letting the smoke sizzle into my skin as I screamed in pain.

"Please mom, stop. Please, he tried touching m-" My cries were hopeless as 'he' joined her, forcing another cigarette in my arm.

"What an unworthy piece of shit, haha! Why didnt I see that in you sooner?" Jungkook's eyes were bloodshot, but that was the only thing I noticed before a bottle smashed against my head.

I yelled out in agony, holding my head together and distant chatter repeating. My breath increased rapidly, I couldn't see properly, I was kissing Jungkook, a bottle smashed, I was bleeding.

I was bleeding.

Jungkook smashed the bottle against me.

Jungkook slipped a pill inside my mouth.

We kissed.

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