Trial by Fire

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I felt nothing but pain and a terrible sense of cold. But one other thing I knew I could feel, were arms holding me. And they didn't belong to any flame I knew to be a friend.

My eyes opened slightly, and I saw the blurry figure of both Sendak and Admiral Sanda inside the Galra ship.

"I delivered you the Lions and Solaris as requested." Admiral Sanda said, "Now it's time you uphold your end of the bargain. Hand over the Paladins to me and leave Earth."

"That won't be happening." Sendak said as he gripped me tighter.

"We made a deal." The Admiral looked down at me, seeing that my eyes were slightly open. She frowned, her own eyes filled with so much fear and regret.

"Throw her in the brig with the Paladins." Sendak ordered. One of the drones followed his orders and dragged Admiral Sanda out of the room, yelling at Sendak for not honoring their deal.

"Continue assault and move the Zaiforge cannons into position." Sendak ordered, then looked down at me with a sick smile.

"Finally. The Phoenix and Lions of Voltron are mine." He said. In my last moments of consciousness, I felt Sendak snap something around my neck and a strong wave of electricity course through my veins.

I screamed with whatever strength I had before I blacked out.


My eyes opened, feeling a warmth wrap around me in a gentle embrace. It felt familiar. When I looked around, I saw nothing but white surrounding me, letting me float in complete emptiness, but it was almost like someone was there with me.

I didn't understand. Why was I here? Where was here?

"Solaris..." someone called my name. I didn't recognize it at first, but I didn't feel scared when the voice called for me.

"Who's there?" I asked, looking around searching for the owner of the voice.

"You have come..." a different voice called to me. It was more like my own voice.

"Come? What are you talking about?"

"It is time...."

"Time for what?"

Suddenly, my body felt cold, the warmth from only a few seconds ago stone from me in an instant. I wrapped my arms around myself, rubbing my arms with my hands to try and warm myself up. But it was no use. The cold stayed and it only got worse.

But then, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I leaned towards it, desperate to feel warm again. As I leaned towards the warmth, I felt something soft and the gentle breaths of a kind flame.

I looked up to see what was giving me warmth, and I was surprised to see a white lion. The same white Lion from the white hole. The guardian of Oriande.

I stared at the lion for what felt like hours, until I head the girl's voice again.

"Solaris, it is time." The girl said.

I looked up and saw a girl made of flames, but her face was identical to mine. She was my flame.

"Time for what?" I asked my flame.

"The Lion you see is the piece of the Oriande guardian's flame, the one he gave you when your friends and you went to the white hole." She explained, "It is time for this flame to become part of us."

Voltron's Fire: The Phoenix in the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now