Red Paladin

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It started out dark. But then, I saw something in the distance. I had to squint to see it, but even then it wasn't too clear.

All I could see was something glowing in the distance.

"What is that?" I asked the empty darkness and of course, I got no answer.

The thing I saw came closer and closer and I could now finally see it clearly. It wasn't a thing, but a person.

A person who looked exactly like me.

She stood smiling kindly at me wearing a dress made of fire and flames licking around her right eye, right where my scar was.

I didn't flinch at her presence, or even when she suddenly took my hands in hers. I just stood there in the darkness, staring at her as she did the same to me.

"Who are you?" I asked the girl.

She laughed softly, "I am you, and you are me."

I looked at her confused by her words, but somehow understood the meaning behind them. She felt familiar, almost the same as me but different.

"So, what are you exactly? Where are we?" I asked.

"We are in your mind so to speak. A separate place where your flame exists freely. Where I exist freely."

"So you're my flame." I said. She nodded.

"Yes, but there is more to your flame than you understand." She said, "Your flame is very special, which is how you're still alive after using your power so much."

I nodded in understanding, "If you're my flame, then you must know when I'm gonna wake up."

She nodded, "I do and it will be soon. But first, I must explain something to you, Solaris."

She brought me down to our knees and we sat down on the nonexistent floor.

"As your flame, I can tell you that you are stronger than you believe. There is something within you other than myself dwelling within you. Something incredible that could turn the tide of a battle."

"What is it?" I asked wanting to know more.

"It is something alive and has already been revealed to you."

I gasped remembering the creature in my dreams.

"Is it that creature I've been seeing? The one in my dreams?" She nodded.

"Yes, but you have only been seeing the spirit, the flame of this creature. Its real body is hidden on another planet far from here. It where the answers of your heritage shall be answered."

I sat there stunned by her words. My flame was speaking to me using my form and telling me about myself, the creature in my dreams and that I might find more about my heritage.

I was surprised, confused, excited and impatient to wake up and tell the others about what I've learned.

"Thank you so much fo telling me this." I said happily, as my flame began to disappear from sight but still burned strong.

"You are welcome young Solaris. Be safe out there." She said smiling and disappearing.

I stood up and looked around the dark space. As I looked around I saw scenes from my memories.

Memories of my father and mother.

My baby brothers laughing as I watched them for my mom while dad was at work at the garrison. They were so cute, and now they reminded our father. They may have had mom's human qualities and looks but they had our father's determination shining in their eyes.

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