A Strange Reality

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The Altean man led us to another room in the ship, we looked around and saw a large comet behind the glass.

"What is this?" Lance asked.

"Pidge, you should get Gaia and figure it out." I said. Pidge nodded and rushed to her lion. A few minutes later, she came back in her lion circling around the comet.

"This is the comet Commodore Trayling must've been talkimg about in his transmission." Pidge said, "It seems to be caught between two realities, just like the ship."

"Could you obtain a sample for us with your lion?" The Altean man asked.

Pidge agreed and brought back a small piece of the comet. As soon as Pidge walked into the room with the comet fragment, I began to feel dizzy.

I held my head as I stumbled to my left, being caught by Hunk who was surprised by my sudden dizzy spell.

"Hey, Phoenix, you okay?" He asked. I groaned as the dizzy spell wore off and I stood up straight.

"Yeah..... Yeah, I'm fine. Just a small dizzy spell." I said with a small weak smile.

I turned back to Pidge, who was analyzing the comet fragment, and stared at the strange material.

My vision switched and I gasped at the familiar flame. It was almost identical to Voltron's.

"Amazing." Pidge gasped, "It's Voltron."

"What?" Lance asked confused by the sudden realization.

"I mean, it's not Voltron, obviously, but the readings from this comet are the same ones Zarkon was searching for. The same ones that led us to the Blue Lion."

"That's how you were able to pass through to this reality." The Altean stated happily.

Lance turned back towards me, "Hey Phoenix, you think you can see its flame or something?"

I nodded, "I see it, and what Pidge said is right. This comet is emitting a flame almost identical to Voltron. But instead of a white flame, it has a slight gray tint to it." I explained.

"Yes, your vehicle was made from the same trans-reality material."

"So, that's why Voltron's so powerful." Hunk said.

"And why Voltron's flame always had that strangr feel to it." I added.

The Altean looked back at the comet fragment, his lips forming a smile that for some reason made me uneasy and suspicious of him.

He wasn't normal. And what's with this other alien? He hasn't spoken, nor made a move if he wasn't commanded or if the Altean hadn't moved first.

What's really going on in this reality?

"With this material, Altea can create their own trans-reality traveling ships. We can spread our peace and stability to all realities." He opened up a visual-audio link to General Hira, "General Hira, I have just stumbled across something in this ship's hold that will ensure Altea's rule for millennia to come."

Pidge and I glanced at the Altean man. We both knew something was off.

I coughed in my hand to gain the Altean's attention, "So, how did the Alteans of this reality bring peace? Seems impossible to me."

"I'm glad you asked. After the tragic fall of Emperor Alfor, Empress Allura gained the courage to fight against the Galra. Defeating Zarkon was the first step, once that was done, we preached for peace across the universe. Soon, there was nothing left to disturb peace. No pain, no wars. Just peace and kindness."

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