Tailing a Comet

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I sat the computer staring at the screen in my room, searching for any signs of Solarians in this reality.

I had gathered data from the reality wormhole we were stuck in and last known spatial distortions about 6,000 years ago.

It had been a week and a half since we returned from the other reality. A week and a half since I had left my room.

I had spent every waking moment searching for the Solarians, I wanted to know more about my father and these people would have the answers I craved. Not to mention the strange winged lion I kept seeing in all of my dreams.

The lion I saw always told me more about herself and how she was ecstatic to meet me in person. I replied that I was excited to see her too, so we had much to talk about during our time in my dreams.

I grew closer to her during the few hours I would actually sleep, and even then it wasn't much.

I typed as fast as I could on my keyboard on my paint covered desk, searching and searching, when all of a sudden, Allura's voice shouted through the speakers.

"Solaris, come quick! We need your help now in the Black Lion hangar!" She shouted erratically.

I dropped everything and ran to the Black Lion hangar, when I stepped through the doors, I saw a sight that was unbelievable.

The entire team was there, staring at Keith and a shaggy man he was helping standing straight. The man was dressed in Galra prison rags and had long black hair. He was also half conscious.

"What happened, Keith who is this man?" I asked before gasping when I saw his flame.

A black flame lined with deep purple, shining with leadership and courage.

It was Shiro, but he was so ragged and his flame was smaller than it should be.

"Get to a room now!" I yelled. Without hesitation, everyome ran to a separate room with an semi-unconscious Shiro.

Keith laid Shiro down on the bed and I grabbed a nearby chair, sat down and placed my hands on Shiro's chest, allowing my flames to touch his.

I closed my eyes and breathe evenly in and out.

"You all should go. This may take a while." I said.

"Of course." Allura said, leading everyone out of the room and back to the bridge.

All except one.

I sighed when I still felt a red fierce flame behind me leaning against the wall.

"I believe when I told everyone to leave, that meant you too, Keith."

"I can't leave just yet."

"Keith, we had just received a distress signal from a nearby base outpost. We need you now." Allura shouted.

"And that's your que to go, Keith. Dont worry, he'll be just fine. I'll make sure of it."

Keith was hesitant, but nodded and ran out to join the group.

Hours went by and my strength was leaving me. I decided that it was enough, besides, Shiro's flame was stable. He would be back at full strength in the next hour or so without my abilities.

All of a sudden, a groan reached my ears just as I took my hands away from Shiro.

"Shiro? Can you hear me, Shiro?" I asked as his eyes slowly opened.

He groaned again and turned his head towards me, then smiled weakly.

"Hey, Phoenix." He said softly. I smiled back at him.

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