Hole in the Sky and a piece of the truth

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We were all in the bridge, a peaceful flight across space was interrupted by the alarm blaring and a warning smybol on ths screen.

"What's going on?" Keith asked.

"Yeah, these have never gone off before." Pidge added.

Lance and I looked up at Allura and saw her shocked and almost fearful expression.

"Allura, what is it?" Lance asked.

"You all right, you look like you've seen a ghost." I said.

"That's just the thing." Coran said as he stared at the signal, "It's an old Altean distress code. One used by King Alfor's ships."

"Could it be? Are we not the last Alteans alive?" Allura asked with hope.

"Wait." Keith said, "What if someone's cloning the signal to try and lure us in?"

"The signal is from an Altean ship, and we're going to find it." Allira said determined to find the ship.

"Keith has a point, Allura." I said, "I understand that the hope of other living Alteans is great for you and Coran, but we need to exercise caution in this situation."

"Solaris, if you were in my shoes, would you do the same? If your family was missing and you received word that they might be alive, would you take that chance?"

I was stunned for a moment, but sighed and let her do what she wanted.

She opened up a wormhole and transported us to another part of space filled with asteroids and something extraordinary.

There in front of us was a large white-yellow vortex of energy with somthign sticking out of it, never moving, just... stuck in place.

"That looks like a Tel-Galax exploration shuttle. One of my father's deep space vessels." Allura said.

I changed my vision and saw a large flame coming from the vortex, it was almost overwhelming. But there was something else stramge about this flame.

It seemed to change a little the closer I looked towards the white of the vortex, as if the flame was becoming something different.

And also, a strange sense of familiarity ran through me. As if I had sensed this energy before.

I shook off the feeling and activated my bracelet to get a scan of the vortex.

"According to the ship's identification code, it's Commodore Trayling's ship." Coran informed as he accessed the code from the ship, "But I don't see any records of it's destination or mission."

"What happened to it?" Lance asked.

"Is it stuck in a wormhole?" Hunk asked.

"That's unlike any wormhole I've ever seen." Coran said.

"That's because it's not a wormhole." I said confusing everyone as I stared at the results from my scan.

"What are you talking about, Phoenix?" Pidge asked.

"This thing in front of us is giving off some seriously strange energy readings. And it's flame, it seems to change the closer I look at the white part of it." I explained.

Pidge quickly pulled up her readings and saw whay I was talking about.

"Phoenix is right." She said, "There's a large amount of energy emanating from it, centered right where the ship is stuck."

"We have to see if anyone is aboard. They may need our help." Allura quickly said.

"We could send a probe over to it, see if we can get some kind of idea what this thing is?" Pidge suggested.

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