What is this?

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"Okay, team, we need to get that--"

"Here's the plan, everyone."

Keith and Shiro said at once. They looked at each other and Keith stepped back.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead, Shiro." Keith said. I frowned at the change in his flame, showing that he was a little confused and overwhelmed since Shiro was back.

But I didn't focus on that. I focused more on the heavy feeling in my head.

This is the second time I felt like this, and it was beginning to grow annoying.

"We need to get that comet." Shiro stated, "They mustvbe transporting it into that base. It'll be vulnerable during the transfer. That's the best time to strike."

Suddenly, before we coyld even come up with a plan of action, the ship parked next to the base began to fire at said base.

We stared at the screen showing the attack in confusion and shock.

"Who the heck are these guys?" Lance asked.

"I don't think they're moving the comet to that base." Shiro said.

"Possible, but we need more information." I said.

"You two are right." Keith said, "Shiro, you take the Black Lion. I'll stay witg Coran in the Castle and provide support."

I was surprised by Keith's proposition. He was just becoming a good leader for Voltron, and now he was returning it.

His flame was flickering wildly, as if it was splitting apart in two.

Shiro hesitated in accepting, but after Keith said that he was sure about his decision, Shiro accepted and ran to the Black Lion.

I ran with Pidge and rode in her lion, but as we launched, I searched for the Black Lion's flame. But there was none. Konrad had not accepted Shiro back as the head of Voltron.

"Shiro, where are you? We need you right now!" Lance shouted.

Shiro was silent, but I knew what he needed to do. Not too much longer after the silence, I felt Keith and Konrad fly towards us.

I was happy that Keith had taken up the role, but the fact that Konrad's first paladin came back and he wasn't accepted made me wonder about Shiro.

We landed far enough from the base and launched in the speeders.

We sped across the rocky surface as Shiro spoke to us fron the Castle.

"The most important thing is for you to get eyes on that comet." He said, "Second if figuring out who we're dealing with."

As we sped closer to the base, the heaviness in my head became worse, to the point where I lay my head on my hand and bent down in my seat.

Pidge, looking behind her and towards me, stared at me concerningly.

"Phoenix, are you okay?" She asked.

I groaned softly and lifted my head, weakly smiling to give her at least a little assurance.

"I'm okay, Pidge. My head just feels a little heavy, it'll pass." I lied. The heaviness grew worse every second.

Pidge's eyes were fileld with woery and suspicion, but she didn't press for anymore answers and turned her attention back to the task at hand.

We parked the speeders close enough to the base where we wouldn't be spotted and snuck closer towards the building.

Careful and cautious, we crept around the building, avoiding the drones and security cameras around us and silently boarding the ship.

Voltron's Fire: The Phoenix in the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now