The Prisoner

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It has been a while since our victory at Naxzela and the rebellion against the Galra has grown. The Voltron Coalition gains new members everyday and with it, more soldiers fighting against the Galra.

However, we had other problems to deal with. I was unconscious for a few days after the battle, and when I woke up, I was told the situation.

Lotor had saved us, that much I knew, but what surprised me was that he came with no hostile intentions towards us.

He had come willing into our hold and offered information to Galra bases and strongholds where we could hit and run.

I didn't trust him one bit, his flame was too dark and hid something that I couldn't recognize.

He was brought to the cells in the lowest level of the Castle for safety measures and kept there under tight lock.

As for me, I was still weak after the battle on Naxzela and kept in bed under Shiro's orders. I didn't resist this time, since I was feeling awful and Agnimitra was weak as well.

A day after I woke up, I developed a fever thay didn't go down for three more days, and even then it was still high. Everyone was worried when I would wake up in the middle of the night and puke my guts out with ash mixed into the bile.

This went on for a week and a half before I finally began to feel decent enough to walk around the Castle.

During their missions, I would talk to Agnimitra and she explained the reason for me feeling so sick. It was because of her being drained of power in addition to me using my flames so much. It was just my body's way of telling me that my flame was too weak.

So, I rested and let my flame come back to life, but during the nights I would dream the same thing.

Someone was holding me by the neck and slowly tightened their grip, depriving me of air. Although I couldn't see their face, I knew their flame was familiar to me. I just couldn't place where I had felt it.

It always shook me to the core when I heard people shout to my soon-to-be killer to let me go and the bright light that engulfed me as my dream ended and I woke up screaming.

"What could that dream mean?" I asked myself in the solitary of my room, "Am I going to die soon? And who was the one trying to kill me?"

"Fear not, Solaris. I will protect you." I heard Agnimitra say reassuringly from my pendant.

I smiled gratefully, gently holding my pendant. Then, I saw something shining from the wall. I looked up and only saw my soft shadow on the wall.

I reached my hand up to my swept bangs and softly caressed the hair clip in my hair. I unclipped it from my bangs and smiled gently at the warm red color.

For some time now, the jewel on the hair clip had been glowing the same red color. It always seemed to put me at ease and made me feel safe. But that brought up even more questions.

Keith said when he gave this to me that it connects the two people who wear it. If that's the case, then what was Keith feeling when the stone was this color?

I quickly clipped my bangs back into place with my clip when I heard a knock on my door.

"Solaris? May we come in?" I heard Allura say fron the other side of my door.

"Yeah, come on in." I said. The door opened and Allura and Shiro stood in the doorway.

They smiled at me at the sight of my full colored face.

"You look better." Shiro said, "Feel up to it to come with us to Lotor?"

I nodded and stood up from my bed, grabbing my cloak and following the two to the lower cells.

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