The Journey Within

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Here we were again, floating in the emptiness of space in our Lions. Nothing was nearby. Not a planet of a solar system, or even a rundown ship. Just nothing. It made me feel strange and uneasy.

We were all tired, but we couldn't stop flying, we wasted enough time already stopping from one place to another. However, I found ways to pass the time, drawing and painting what my dreams had shown me over the past weeks. Agnimitra didn't mind, she liked the feeling of my flame when I was being creative.

"Allura, they the sonic wave." Pidge said.

"Okay, I'll try." Allura replied.

Aquamos, the Blue Lion, tried to charge her sonic wave, but it was no use. Her flame was too weak.

"It's still nor working. And it probably won't work again until our power-cores are recharged."

"Roger that. Well, our long-range scanners still haven't detected any planets nearby. Jo star systems, nothing." Pidge informed us.

"Ugh!" Lance graoned, "How long have we been out here?"

"Going on four movements." Romelle groaned as she answered.

"And how long is it gonna take to get to Earth at this speed?"

"I think Pidge said something like ten billion deca-phoebs." Romelle said.

"I said one and a half Earth years." Pidge corrected.

"Whoa, whoa. Wait, theres a big discrepancy between ten billion deca-phoebs and one an a half Earth years. Which one is it?" Hunk asked.

"It's one and a half Earth years!" Podge screamed in annoyance, "We've gone over this several times, though there may be a margin of error of about a month, depending on any time dilation we encounter."

I sighed, thinking that I would miss another year of my family's lives.

"Looks like I'll be missing another birthday with the boys." I muttered to myself.

"Look, we knew this wasn't going to be an easy or quick voyage, but replacing the Castle of Lions is our top priority." Shiro said.

"We just have to stay sharp and maintain discipline." Keith added, "We knew when we started this journey that we'd be low on power. We didn't plan on going through the galactic void, but we'll get through it."

"Don't worry, guys. We'll run into something eventually that will turn this trip around." Lance said assuringly.

"What makes you so sure?" Hu no k asked.

"If my experience has taught me anything... it's that something always comes along to try to kill us."

"He has a point there. We're never not in danger for long." I said, "But.... saying that we could be in danger at any moment with out Lions weakened like this, wasn't exactly the best way to lighten up the mood, Lance."

I felt his flame flicker in embarrassment and I chuckled, getting up from my seat and letting Agnimitra fly on her own for a while. I grabbed my art supplies and began painting where we were now, our lions floating among the endless stars.

Hours and hours passed. A few days went by and still of sign of any planets or any planets nearby. Not even a destroyed or abandoned planet where we could land and rest, not that we wanted to.

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