Best Laid Plans

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My eyes slowly opened as I woke up feeling more refreshed and energized than I had ever felt.

However, last night's dream kept me a little on edge. My dreams usually tell me about the future and have never been wrong before. So if my dreams are never wrong, then I would do something crazy and I would meet that flaming creature soon.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried, but I can't say that I'm not excited for what may come.

As I put on my cloak, I heard a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Keith. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Keith asked from behind the door. Confused, I walked over to the door and unlocked it. There standing in front of me was a flushed Keith.

"What's up, Keith?" I asked, "Shouldn't you be in your lion preparing by now?"

He scratched the back of his head sheepishly, his other hand held behind his back.

"Well, I was just making sure you up and ready to go." He said, his voice soft and his flame flickering nervously.

I smirked and leaned closer to him making his face turn a darker shade of pink.

"Is that all you wanted, or is there something else you wanted to say to me?" I teased.

"No, no, no." He quickly said. I laughed and patted his shoulder in a joking manner.

"Well then, I'll leave you to your lion. I've gotta head to the bridge to meet Allura and Coran." I smiled and began to walk away, when a hand caught my wrist and stopping me in my tracks.

"Wait a second," Keith said as I turned around with a puzzled look on my face.

"There is something else I wanted to say." His face was flushed to the darkest shade of pink and his flame was flickering wildly as he pulled his other hand from behind his back.

"Here, take this will ya?" He opened his hand and revealed something unexpected of him.

In his hand was a ring with a silver band and a small multicolored gem sitting proudly on it.

In his hand was a ring with a silver band and a small multicolored gem sitting proudly on it

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(The gem only, not the pin. Imagine it on a pure silver band of your choice. 😉)

I stared at it with surprise and amazement. I had seen a lot of different kinds of stones and gems, but this was the most beautiful so far.

"What's with this all of a sudden? And where did you even get it?" I asked not taking my eyes off the stone.

"I.. Uh... I got it as the space mall. It's called a soul stone. I thought it would good on you."

I smiled softly at the gift and gently took it out of his hand.

"It's beautiful, Keith, thank you. But why give it to me?"

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