Home (1)

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"I wanted you bad, I'm so through with that, cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I ever had~" I sang as I drank my coffee and scrolled through Facebook on my laptop.


"What the hell was that?" I muttered to myself, standing up and looking out the window only to see a black van outside, two people exiting and walking towards my front door.

"Oh shit!" I widened my eyes and ran out my room. "Where to go? Where to go?" I debated to myself as I heard my front door being kicked, my adrenaline immediately kicked it as I mentally panicked.

"Fuck this!" I whispered, grabbing a baseball bat I rarely used for sport, I would hit them if they came near me I told myself as I went into a guest room and hid behind the drawer.

"Where is she?"

"Fuck if I know!"

"Help me find her!"

"What am I supposed to do? Smell her scent like a dog?"

"I'm being serious, she knew we were coming didn't she?"

"I told Namjoon to not fucking slam the breaks, wouldn't be surprised if she saw us coming in too."

My heart raced out of my chest but I wasn't the kind to be scared, if so I should be out there yelling at them to fuck off. But then again....

What if there's 3 of them?


Or maybe 7?

Gee I'd be fucked!

"I found her!" One with a boxy smile giggled and stared at me, I stood up and raised the bat threatening to swing it.

"Don't you fucking come near me or I'll knock your kneecaps out." I warn as 4 more came running into the same room. Shit, I'm outnumbered.

"Awww no need to be like that." The same guy that giggled came towards me and I swung at his legs quickly, making him collapse on the floor aggressively.

"You bitch, get her!" He screamed and I widened my eyes as a guy came behind me and held my figure with his strong arms. I took a deep breath purposely then he covered my mouth with a cloth, don't breath it in, don't breath it.

I waited for a couple of seconds until lifting my legs and kicking him where the sun don't shine, taking the cloth and shoving it in his face until he become unconscious.

"Haha fuckers!" I chuckle but then feel a needle in my arm, a brunette haired smiling at me innocently. "Shit." Is the last words I say before I pass out.

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