Chapt 58 - Dream

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Lan Zhan continued staying in seclusion at the back mountains. He was mostly meditating but he was often disrupted by thoughts of Wei Ying. He looked down at the ring on his finger.

He didn't want to accept the arranged marriage but Lan XiChen had told him to consider again. "WangJi" Lan XiChen said as he came to talk to Lan Zhan again.


Wei Ying have not been eating his meals. Wei Ying had placed all the items related to Lan Zhan on his table. If he wasn't blankly staring at them, thinking about Lan Zhan, he would be crying and could only cry himself to sleep. The only thing he would manage to swallow down is his favourite Lotus Root and Pork Rib Soup.

Jiang Cheng could not take it anymore and approached Wei Ying. "Are you going to be like this? Since you decided to go on with the marriage, you should carry out this decision like a man!"

"Jiang Cheng... I'm not in the mood to quarrel with you..." Wei Ying said weakly.

Jiang Cheng smacked Wei Ying on the back and said "Didn't you say we're the Twin Prides of Yunmeng? Aren't you the most handsome one? You don't even look decent now!

You're definitely going to be looked down upon by Second Lan Young Master! We're going for the monthly night hunt tonight. Are you coming along?"

Jiang Yanli who just stepped in said softly, "A-Cheng, don't be so loud. A-Xian, why don't you go with them and clear your mind? You love going for night hunts right?"

WWX: "... Alright..."

"Prepare yourself! We're setting off soon. You should be up and about more often! Stop being so weak. It's not like you!" Jiang Cheng said, annoyed at how Wei Ying became after being heartbroken.

During the night hunt, everyone was silent. Their eldest disciple who was usually joking and jumping around, was not focused and kept on daydreaming, making the other disciples worried.

Wei Ying just followed them blindly. He didn't even realised when they reach the hunting grounds. He was tired, hungry (though he didn't feel like eating) and out of it. Then without even realising it, he lost his conciousness.


At the same time at Cloud Recesses, Lan XiChen was still talking to Lan Zhan. "It's fine if you continue staying here but have you decided on the matter of the arranged marriage?"

LWJ: "...Not yet..."

Lan XiChen expecting that response, continued. "Jiang Sect Leader had sent a message, asking when the two of you can meet."

Lan Zhan kept quiet, unwilling to go along with it. Lan XiChen then continued "Wei Gong Zi has returned for some time. You shouldn't keep him waiting."

Lan Zhan hearing "Wei" immediately opened his eyes and turned his head.

Lan XiChen was taken aback by this sudden action "... WangJi? What's wrong?"

LWJ: "XiongZhang, Wei Gong Zi?"

Lan XiChen, realising Lan Zhan still didnt know who his partner was, said "Your partner, Wei Gong Zi from Yunmeng Jiang Sect. His name is Wei WuXian."

Lan Zhan immediately stood up and raised his voice "Wei Ying? Xiong Zhang, is his birth name Wei Ying?"

Lan Zhan had always thought that his partner was a 'Jiang'.

Lan XiChen nodded, understanding the situation "What a coincidence..."

Lan Zhan nodded his head as he immediately walked out of the back mountains, with XiChen following behind.

"Xiong Zhang, I'm going over now." Lan Zhan said, in a rush to see Wei Ying.

Lan XiChen stopped him and told him that they'll go together, and reminded him to bid farewell to Lan QiRen.

Lan Zhan and Lan XiChen were about to set off for Lotus Pier when a disciple reported, "Sect Leader, Lan Er Gong Zi, Yunmeng Jiang Sect has sent a message to inform us that Wei Gong Zi is in a coma."

Lan Zhan widened his eyes, slightly showing worried expressions. Lan XiChen pat Lan Zhan on the back and said "It'll be fine. Let's go over now."


"... Lan... Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying mumbled, his body shivering. His face was pale and he barely had any strength.

"Xian Xian, are you awake?" Jiang Yanli immediately checked on Wei Ying after hearing his voice.

"He's still in a coma. It's the dangerous period. During this period his consciousness will come and go, so it's better not to shake him or move him. He can only recover through his will." The doctor said.

"Alright, thank you Doctor." Jiang Yanli said politely, though she was still feeling worried.


Lan Zhan and Lan XiChen travelled non-stop and managed to reach Yunmeng in less than 2 days. They were welcomed by Uncle Jiang. After greeting him, Lan Zhan immediately asked "What happened?"

Jiang Cheng, angry at the fact that Wei Ying could not even focus on the night hunt and hurt himself, shouted "Isn't it all because of a stupid heartbreak? Is it really that serious? He lives as though he's not living!"

Jiang Yanli said gently "A-Cheng"

Jiang Cheng got even angrier. "Did I say anything wrong? All he does is cry everyday! Even if the dream demon didn't attack him, he would be in this state without eating enough for so long!"

Lan Zhan questioned "Dream demon?"

Jiang Yanli spoke up while trying to calm Jiang Cheng down. "It's like that. During the monthly night hunt, A-Xian wasn't focused and he didn't even realise that a dream demon had targeted him. The others managed to get him out of it in time but when he was freed he ended up rolling down the hill. He hasn't been eating much and barely slept too so his body was very weak."

Dream demon: Traps people with what they dream of the most, then takes control of them, leading them to death. Low-leveled demon, usually only targets non-cultivators.

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