Chapt 21 - Morning

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Wei Ying woke up before Lan Zhan did. He groaned a little as he felt his spinning head. Wei Ying found himself lying on Lan Zhan and Lan Zhan's hands were wrapped around him, making him feel safe and warm.

Lan Zhan woke up and was startled to see that he was giving Wei Ying a bear hug again. What on earth happened last night? He removed his hands from Wei Ying's back. As Lan Zhan was getting up halfway, Wei Ying pushed him back down.

"Lan Zhan... wait a minute... won't you stay like this for a while? My head hurts too much.." Wei Ying said as he burried his head in Lan Zhan's shoulders again, which made Lan Zhan blush.

As they stayed in this position, their memories came flooding back.

Lan Zhan remembered a few scenes of Wei Ying asking him if he wanted to learn how to kiss, them kissing, him nibbling on Wei Ying's ear and Wei Ying kissing him again.

Wei Ying remembered every single thing that happened. 'Oh my god. Did I really do that? I kissed Lan Zhan which means I took his first kiss away? I ruined his pureness... But it felt so good!'

Wei Ying felt his face flushed hot and red, so he decided not to get up yet as Lan Zhan might see his face. Still burried in Lan Zhan's shoulders, Wei Ying asked softly "Lan Zhan... do you remember everything that happened last night?"

"No. But you definitely made me drink the wine against my will." Lan Zhan replied. In his mind, he thought 'Lying is against my clan rules. But he asked if I remembered everything. I only remembered a few so technically I didn't lie... That should be fine'

"So-Sorry, I won't force you again..." Wei Ying said in an apologetic tone. In his mind, he was so relieved. 'Ah, thank god Lan Zhan doesn't remember... or he might never want to talk to me again...'

Wei Ying then asked sheepishly "Lan Zhan, you're not mad right?"

"I'm not" Lan Zhan replied calmly, which made Wei Ying push his body up and look at Lan Zhan with a grin 'That's great!'

They then had an awkward silence as this position reminded them both of last night. Wei Ying immediately cleared his throat and got up quickly. Lan Zhan calmly stood up and prepared himself.

They then set off to look around WaXi Village a little more. Lan Zhan was in a good mood as no matter what the reason was, last night Wei Ying was the one who initiated the kiss.

Lan Zhan thought back and felt that he was always the one getting jealous so he wanted to test Wei Ying too.

Just then, Wei Ying stopped at a stall and looked at a pair of rabbit keychain. They were meant to be together as one black rabbit and one white rabbit together formed an yin yang circle.

"Lan Zhan! Isn't this cute and cool? Can I get it? It looks so nice!" Wei Ying exclaimed, pointing to the rabbits.

Lan Zhan took this chance and said to the stall owner "I would like to purchase this pair of rabbit keychain which is as cute as you are."

Even though Lan Zhan felt very cringey, he forced himself to say it for the sake of seeing Wei Ying's reaction.

Wei Ying was jealous. His thoughts went wild. 'Why did he suddenly flirt with her? He always stayed away from people and don't speak much. Is he interested in her? He suddenly spoke so much and it was full of compliments. Is this girl his ideal type? It took me so long for him to just say this much to me!'

Lan Zhan peeked at Wei Ying and saw an expression he has never seen before. He felt estatic 'Is Wei Ying getting jealous? Does he like me too? This is my first time seeing this expression of his. He looks troubled? That should be his jealous expression right?'

Their thoughts were both disturbed by the store owner who said "1 silver please", while blushing a little at Lan Zhan's compliment.

Wei Ying snapped out of his thoughts and said to Lan Zhan with an exaggerated face "Lan Zhan! How can you say that!"

Lan Zhan was even happier, thinking 'So he is jealous! Looks like he doesn't like me complimenting others!'

The store owner was a little shocked at what Wei Ying said but blushed even redder after hearing "She is obviously very cute and pretty. You musn't leave out pretty! You must brush up on your compliments!"

Lan Zhan froze for a moment. 'It wasn't because he was jealous? He was just shocked at how I didn't compliment her properly?'

Wei Ying passed the store owner the money and the owner passed Wei Ying the rabbits. Wei Ying winked at her, making her blush even harder. Lan Zhan got angry again after witnessing Wei Ying flirting again.

Lan Zhan thought 'He wasn't jealous at all... He still flirts around... Why am I always the jealous one? Looks like he doesn't like me'

Wei Ying kept the rabbits in his pocket and said "Thanks, Lan Zhan!" with a wide grin on his face, then started looking at other stalls.

Lan Zhan froze again and thought '... Isn't Wei Ying giving me one? Well, it's supposed to be a pair... but that's why I want it... He is not going to give it to anyone else right?'

"Lan Zhan! What are you doing? Quickly come over! There's more to see here!" Wei Ying shouted from far. When Wei Ying turned around to find Lan Zhan, he saw Lan Zhan still standing in front of the rabbit store and thought 'Lan Zhan is still flirting with that owner? Does he like her that much? Tch. It's nothing to be bothered about though... What's wrong with me...'

WEI YING STARTS FEELING JEALOUS! BUT HE COVERED IT UP! and he doesn't realise that he felt jealous...

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