Chapt 7 - Tea Shop

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It was evening and they arrived at a famous tea shop. Lan Zhan signaled the waiter to get him a room. Outside the door to the room, Lan Zhan just stood there, motionless, without a word.

WWX: "Hey, why aren't you going in?"

LWJ: "You... Why are you following me... ?"

WWX: "You're only asking this now? I've been following you the whole day!"

LWJ: "..."

WWX: "Hey, let me in too won't you"

Lan Zhan turned around and gave him a '?' look. Lan Zhan thought 'This person... did he say his name is Wei Ying? Why is he still following me? Why is he... Does he trust me or what? I... I can't understand him... What should I do? Am I supposed to let him follow me in?'

Wei Ying seeing him deep in thoughts, decided to interrupt him "Hey, you're kind, good-looking and have a lot of mon(Wei Ying almost said money)... have a lot of good traits! I have nowhere to go. We've already experienced a lot together, won't you take pity on me? I won't do anything to you!"

Lan Zhan, not knowing what to do, decided to enter the room first. Just when he was about to shut the door, Wei Ying placed one foot in. "Hehe, thanks for taking me in!"

Lan Zhan was left speechless. "Wow! Look! There's actually two beds! How lucky! It's just nice for us isn't it. What a waste it would be if I weren't here!" Wei Ying said as he jumped around the room.

Lan Zhan headed straight to the table and sat down while Wei Ying headed straight to the bed and laid down. After a while of Lan Zhan ignoring Wei Ying, two knocks were heard. "Two young masters, would you like dinner?"

Wei Ying immediately jumped up and shouted: "Yes yes! Two sets please! We're eating in the room!"

Wei Ying then opened the door and whispered to the waiter "And a jar of wine please." He thought to himself, 'I'll surprise this guy with wine! Then he'll get along better with me!'

Soon, the meal was delivered. Wei Ying immediately sat down and poured the wine into a cup. He then offered it to Lan Zhan who was about to sit down. Lan Zhan grabbed another cup and poured freshly brewed tea into it.

WWX: "Hey, I don't want tea. I want wine too!"

Lan Zhan drank the tea and poured more. Wei Ying realised that Lan Zhan was ignoring him. "Hey, don't be shy! I ordered this wine specially for you. It's the best in your area! Come!"

Lan Zhan started eating, ignoring Wei Ying. "Hey! After all we've been through, won't you drink a cup with me?"

Lan Zhan put down his chopsticks. "I don't drink alcohol."

Wei Ying said in disbelief, "What? You're a man and you don't drink alcohol? You really don't know how to appreciate things in life huh. It's fine, I'll teach you! Come, drink..."

He was interrupted by Lan Zhan who said "No talking when eating."

"Tch, fine, I'll drink it all myself" Wei Ying said, understanding that Lan Zhan had no intention on touching the wine.

After finishing their meal, Lan Zhan stood up and was about to walk away when he was stopped by a golden thread on his wrist. He looked at it and gave Wei Ying a questioned look.

WWX: "Hey, where are you going?"

LWJ: "What's this?"

Wei Ying then proudly said, "Hmph, it's my newest creation. Aren't I a genius? This will prevent you from moving more than two meters away from me."

Wei Ying then continued teasing, "So... what should i call it? Brothers-in-hand? Partners? Love link?"

Lan Zhan just said "Lame" and walked over to his bed.

Wei Ying, knowing that Lan Zhan will ignore him, laid in his bed and played around with SuiBian. After a while, Wei Ying got bored and started talking to Lan Zhan, asking him for his name and other questions which Lan Zhan didn't reply to.

WWX: "Why are you still ignoring me? You..."

LWJ: "It's 9pm. Sleep."

Wei Ying looked at him with disbelief. 'This guy... though he's handsome and rich and is fun to tease... he walks and talks so elegantly, he must be brought up strictly. He also doesn't drink alcohol, sleeps at 9, isn't he a little old fashioned? I know! I'll call him Old Fashioned Boy! Hahaha, he will definitely frown again' Thinking and thinking, Wei Ying fell asleep too.

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